What species is this? Otocinclus?

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What species is this? Otocinclus?

Post by Budgieman »

Hello all,

We visited a LFS today and came across following little fish, about 4cm long: Image

The fish were named as otocinclus flexilis but after having studied the pictures of this otocinclus species on the website we have serious doubts about it being an otocinclus. What species is it then? A friend of mine bought two of them.

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Post by Silurus »

I think it looks more like this.
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Post by Budgieman »

Thanks for the reply! I had never seen this species (actually the whole parotocinclus family) in any LFS around here before, I didn't even know about their existence :) . My friend is going to pick up another 3-4 fish this week for trying to breed them.

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