What Hemiloricaria species?

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What Hemiloricaria species?

Post by Tuti »

Last saturday I bought 4 Hemiloricaria sp. In the shop they called them H. Fallax, but I'm not sure about it, so I hope anybody here can help me identify this nice fishes?


For more pictures, see the next (dutch) website:
http://www.aquaforum.nl/ubb/ultimatebb. ... tml#000000[/url]
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Post by Norman »

Hi Tuti,

This species is not H.fallax.
It is an other species of the genus Hemiloricaria.
A friend of me keep this species too. The induividuals are nearly 13cm and don't grow anymore.
Now I have two of the breedings at home to search for the name of this species.
What this species from others divide is the fact that there is a large dot between the first an the second dark band across the body on both sides.
H.fallax reach up to 20cm and has a small dot in front of the dorsal-fin.

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Post by Tuti »


thank you very much for your answer. Now I think that i've got 2 different species, because at least one of them doesn't have that 'black dot' you mentioned, and that one has a lighter color than the others. Is it possible that this is a sexing-difference?

It's a big help that I know to look to that black dot, I go look further on the net to pictures to try to identify them. I hope your friend knows the name of the species...

Ps. I'm sorry for my bad english :(

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Post by rahendricks »

Take a look at this link,


There is a drawing of the belly plates. From what I can tell the second photo looks very similar to H. parva.
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Post by Tuti »

Thank you for your reply. I already found that website, but I'm still not sure about it; that's why I asked it here.
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Post by Jorge »

I would say Hemiloricaria parva too.
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Post by Tuti »

Thank you for your resonse, Jorge. Now i'm also pretty sure about it that I've got at least 2 species of Hemiloricaria Parva.

Now i've got 1 more question: I want to do some pvc-pipes in the tank to provide them some spots to breed. What is the most optimal size for these pipes?
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