Could you help me to ID these two corys???

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Could you help me to ID these two corys???

Post by himik »

I have a few corys in my community tank. But I am not sure what they are. Here's two corys in the picture. I think the cory in the background is shultz or sterbai. But their pectoral fins are not that orange and they don't look like the sterbai's and shultz in the petshop.
What kind of cory is in the foreground????

Thank you!!!
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Post by Silurus »

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Post by himik »

That's what I thought! What about the one in the background?
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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

My guess would be
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Post by chef »

right hand side cory is delphax and the other one is proberly napoensis but could also be bilineatus, but they both look very similar.
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Post by PC Hasselgreen »

Could easily be nanus, too, they are also very small and hard to tell apart from a couple of others.
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Post by Coryman »

The centre fish is C. napoensis, it is unlikely to be C. bilineatus as these come from Bolivia and as far as I know there is not much being shipped from there, commercially that is. Also C. nanus is actually not like C. napoensis or C. bilineatus, they are far slimmer, smaller and have four dark horizontal bands along the full length of the body. They also only come from Suriname another country that has very little if any commercial fishing.

The Cory on the right is C. delphax.

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Post by metallhd »

Well, guys, how about this? I posted a similar thread a couple of days ago. I have two sets of fish very similar to the one on the right, but I think the fish I have are c. brevirostris and agassizii

this one is brevirostris as far as I know, the patch is definitely gold and they have a definite black saddle over their noses too.

This pic is one each of all of my new guys, julii and arcuatus along with ? - the new guys have bigger spots and no black saddle, nor is the patch particularly as gold as the other fish but the new guys are still young. Can anyone help me out please?

Thank you

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Post by Fish Demon »

Picture 1: Corydoras melanistius

Picture 2: Corydoras ambiacus and Corydoras trilineatus

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Post by Coryman »


First picture is C. brevirostris, C. melanistius does not have the heavy barring in the caudal fin.

The second picture shows a possible C. ambiacus and C. trilineatus.

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Post by metallhd »

Great ! Thanks for the input! So is c. ambiacus more common in the trade than c. agasizzii? They are likely to have been bred I suppose? I bought the first fish as c. wortoi (which I believe is an old name for brevirostris), but the second was labelled "Punctatious" at the lfs - I knew they were not brevirostris (or punctuatus for that matter) right away despite the similar appearance, but hadn't been able to get a positive ID yet - I had been thinking agasizzii. Thank you ! :D

That brings my catfish list to:

2 ancistrus (albino)
a bunch of otos
and corydoras: trilineatus, aeneus, ambiacus, arcuatus, brevirostris, paleatus, panda, and pygmaeus :)
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Post by Coryman »

It is a lot easier to ID Corys now that that guy from Kidderminster in the UK has produced a book especially for the purpose :wink:

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Post by PC Hasselgreen »

Coryman wrote:It is a lot easier to ID Corys now that that guy from Kidderminster in the UK has produced a book especially for the purpose :wink:

Guess i'll have to go get one then :)

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