How many Panaqolus maccus for 39 gallons tank.

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How many Panaqolus maccus for 39 gallons tank.

Post by Pleco33 »

Hello, well this is mi question.. I would set inside of the tank a lof of driftwood and bogwood on the gravel.. because I want to create a habitat of maccus ... Would you helplme??? Iam interesting to breed this sp.

Thanks.. :thumbsup:
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Post by T »

Well I'm no expert but since they only get to around 4" and are pretty peaceful then I think you could have at least 10 in there.

Hear is some good info on them

Good luck on breeding them, I actually have a pair but its a community tank so they wont breed(I wouldnt be able to do the whole dry/wet season simulation with the other fish I have in the tank).
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Post by Caol_ila »

try to use this:
Stocking levels.
Multiply length x width in inches and divide by 12.
This gives you total body length of fish you can safely stock.
Example: 24" x 15"=360 divide by 12=30 inches of fish.

i borrowed it from tims site :)
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Post by Shane »

Hola Pleco33 y saludos de Colombia,
The main problem with P. maccus is not their size but the fact that, as wood eaters, they are very dirty fish. I kept eight in a 40 gallon tank for two years and they did well but I used heavy filtration and 60-70 percent weekly water changes to keep the "sawdust' (poop) under control (photos of these fish are in the Cat-E-Log). I am currently keeping four LDA 68, which is closely related, in a 20 long with heavy filtration and I find that 70 percent wekly water changes are not enough to keep their waste under control. They need lots of driftwood and are very happy eating cucumber and zucchini.
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Post by Pleco33 »

Thanks.. Saludos desde México Shane:wink:

I´m going to try to breed them. :idea:

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