determining what the scientific name for cory cats

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determining what the scientific name for cory cats

Post by corydoras4life »

i have as you see in my "signature" 7 cories and what are all of their scientific names?

and do they all 'shoal' together?
In my fish tank I have:
4 corydoras aenus
2 ? cories
1 corydoras agassizzii
1 common pl*co
3 fat bellied mollies
2 platies
1 oto
and 1 guppy (male)

all my other fish in 30 gallon:
3 african clawed frogs
3 feeder goldfish
2 blue gouramis
2 ? killifisfishes
and 1 round-tail loach
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Post by Silurus »

Leopard= (a WAG, since there are several species by that name).



Dwarf=...this is not the only dwarf cory, might also be .
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Post by corydoras4life »

i dont think my peppered are what my lfs sold them as and the same with my leapord can you send some that look like this so i can see if mine is what it is?
In my fish tank I have:
4 corydoras aenus
2 ? cories
1 corydoras agassizzii
1 common pl*co
3 fat bellied mollies
2 platies
1 oto
and 1 guppy (male)

all my other fish in 30 gallon:
3 african clawed frogs
3 feeder goldfish
2 blue gouramis
2 ? killifisfishes
and 1 round-tail loach
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Post by Silurus »

Check the Cat-eLog yourself.
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Post by corydoras4life »

my lfs sold the leapords as like aluminum(or some kind of metal) but to me it kind of looked like what i thought was a leapord but it turned out not to be but the dwarf is a variation of the corydoras aenus :) but my "metal cory" i cant seem to find what it is o ill describe it to you black with white bottom back of it from mid body to back of tail is white with black spots but arent spots like on the spotted cory more like a bunch of connected spots to make a messed up circle but it is juvinille (i think) it has a light emrald green tint under its eyes and above its bottom half of body near eyes do you think you can determine? my so called peppered cory is either a corydoras agassizii/ambiacus/ or brivirostris
my bronze so called dwafr and my albinos are all aenus and i cant decide which the so called peppered cory is and i cant figure out what my other one is so if any help please reply
In my fish tank I have:
4 corydoras aenus
2 ? cories
1 corydoras agassizzii
1 common pl*co
3 fat bellied mollies
2 platies
1 oto
and 1 guppy (male)

all my other fish in 30 gallon:
3 african clawed frogs
3 feeder goldfish
2 blue gouramis
2 ? killifisfishes
and 1 round-tail loach
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Post by bronzefry »

LFS in New England have a habit of labeling any Cory that comes in their store as "peppered" or "spotted" if it is black and white or spotted. I've seen Sterbais, Paleatus, Agassizi's and others all labeled this way and mixed in the same tank. They are also sometimes labeled as the "Manager's Special." :?

Keep looking through the CatE-log. Paleatus can have many variations of their colorations and their spots. The shading can vary from lightish gray to dark gray, almost black. Some have more white blotches than others. Are the spots very uniform, are they in consistant rows? Or are they all over, here and there in blotches?
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Post by Coryman »

Visual descriptions can and are often misleading, the best answer would be to post some pictures, even bad pictures are better than descriptions. The worst place to be misled on an identification is a lfs where many names are just fantasy names given by exporters or importers to create sales.

You could also check out the images on my site, which dedicated to Corys.

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