help with sexing brochis

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help with sexing brochis

Post by ducky »

hello guys

can someone help me to sex the britskii i recently purchased, was told they both look like male. any tips on how to pick a female, as the shop where i got them only has 3 left and they are not common in here :?


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Post by sirbooks »

They can't really be sexed when young, as there aren't any obvious physical differences between the two genders. However, adult female specimens are slightly larger and broader than males. This difference becomes apparent when the fish are viewed from above.
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Post by MatsP »

I presume the comment on gender differences apply to the B. Splendens too. I've got 5 of them in my tank, and I suspect from the stockiness and shape that at least two, maybe three are females and two are males (smaller and "skinnier"). What size does the fish need to be to see the difference?

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Post by ducky »

they are 8.5cm and 8cm TL. the one pictured on the left is the one im hoping as female it is slighly larger/broader than the other one. the larger one has brighter reddish color compare to smaller one.

any tips and helps would be appreciated. :wink:
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Post by pturley »

I think you're on the right track as far as sexing them goes.

The one spawning report I know of (other than chance spawnings of B. splendens was with B. multiradiatus. The tank was filled to 2" depth with milled sphagnum moss. No gravel, just the moss. You can imagine what the pH would be like (4.5-5.0)

HERE is the one article on breeding Brochis from SHANE'S WORLD.

These fish are often captured in swampy areas with still, tannin stained water at ~5.0 pH. You can keep and condition them in more common conditions that will be easier to maintain, but I'd consider the conditions above as a start for any breeding attempt.

BTW: Are you sure they are B. britskii? How many dorsal fin rays do they have?
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Post by ducky »

im pretty sure they are britskii, the have around 17rays on their dorsal fins, really hard to count as they are very hyper active fish move around the tank non stop.

do you think i have pair there? i keep them in 2' tank by themselves, should i go buy more or they will do fine?

my water ph is bit high around 7.5 and temp 24-25c.

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