Common Plecos: So I've got the Pair - Now What?

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Common Plecos: So I've got the Pair - Now What?

Post by silvernes »

Has anyone here had any sucess in breeding commons or other large plecos?

I've got a pair (as far as I can sex them - but I'm quite confident in their genders) that are not quite mature, but I would like to set them up as if they were so that once they do get to sexual maturity they can take it from there.

The tank may not be large enough as it is a 120 but we'll start with what we've got.

I'm setting up some new caves right now (using plastic ribbed tubing like for clothes-dryer exhaust) which should be good for their adult size (basing this on my almost full-sized sailfin) though a little large for them now they are having a hard time accepting them (but I just put them in yesterday).

These are covered with slate (to hide the bright white :? and filled with gravel).

Does anyone think the pleco might take to these well? Or should I try something else & give them a choice? (they had slate caves before but my oscars are mating & I was worried about the plecos getting squished - the os already flattened one cave).

I'm going to also add some fast-flowing air a.s.a.p. but the oscars moved into the 'hot spot' of the tank & kicked the plecos out so I've got to go buy myself another air-pump :D

So how's the cave situation for the first questions then :)

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Re: Common pl*cos: So I've got the Pair - Now What?

Post by MatsP »

silvernes wrote:Has anyone here had any sucess in breeding commons or other large pl*cos?

I've got a pair (as far as I can sex them - but I'm quite confident in their genders) that are not quite mature, but I would like to set them up as if they were so that once they do get to sexual maturity they can take it from there.

The tank may not be large enough as it is a 120 but we'll start with what we've got.

I'm setting up some new caves right now (using plastic ribbed tubing like for clothes-dryer exhaust) which should be good for their adult size (basing this on my almost full-sized sailfin) though a little large for them now they are having a hard time accepting them (but I just put them in yesterday).

These are covered with slate (to hide the bright white :? and filled with gravel).

Does anyone think the pl*co might take to these well? Or should I try something else & give them a choice? (they had slate caves before but my oscars are mating & I was worried about the pl*cos getting squished - the os already flattened one cave).

I'm going to also add some fast-flowing air a.s.a.p. but the oscars moved into the 'hot spot' of the tank & kicked the pl*cos out so I've got to go buy myself another air-pump :D

So how's the cave situation for the first questions then :)

From reports, the Common Pl*co isn't easy to breed in captivity. I've got absolutely no experience, and I've only ever had one at a time, so I guess I shouldn't be commenting on this... ;-)

I found my pl*cos liking stone caves. You may try to use silicone (black, brown or clear and aquarium safe) to "glue" slate or other stone material together.

You can probably also find ceramic pipes somewhere in the DIY/Plumbing trade. I know I had some ~4" outer diameter clay pipes that they used for drainage around our house when I lived in Sweden. Inner diameter was about 2.5", so probably a bit small for the adult pl*co's.

Also not sure if the Oscars will give the Pl*co's enough piece and quiet, but that would just be my thoughts...

Best of luck either way...

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Post by swmawy4012 »

I haven't heard of any reported aquarium spawnings. My understanding is that the common pleco likes to dig deep caves to spawn in. For this reason, they'll only spawn in outdoor ponds, or in their natural habitat. Although, if anyone else knows different, I would love to hear from them.
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Post by Silurus »

I read a report in a Brazilian journal somewhere on the spawning of the fish. Unfortunately, the spawning involved a large concrete tank and a lot of mud.
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Post by silvernes »

Mud Eh? ... hmmm...

I had been looking at clay options for my other tanks, just out of curiosity, I wonder if filling the pipes would interest them in digging? :?

Unfortunatly I had another look at "charlie" and I may have been wrong about her gender. It's looking more like she's a he after all so I may have 2 males... I'll keep looking though (it's hard to gett a good view - he's a little shy :D).

Actually other then the recent chasings (which have actually been extended to all other fish in the tank - they are brooding chichlids after all :D) the oscars live quite well with my plecos. In fact they don't get along with my bull-head and chase him alot more :D.

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