2 Zebras dead!!!
- husky_jim
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2 Zebras dead!!!
This is very sad for me guys.....i 've lost to of my females..here is a link with pics with eggs...................Sorry for not reposting but i am in very bad condition after that.
http://www.piranha-fury.com/forum/pfury ... opic=50936
http://www.piranha-fury.com/forum/pfury ... opic=50936
- Yann
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- husky_jim
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All the parameters where perfect...after further examination it was discoverred that the fish colour was redish and several bloody veins where visible on their skin.This means that it was a parasitic infection and more specific it was Hemorrhagic Septisemia.
I am now treating the tank with the male with Aquarium Pharmaceutical's FURAN-2 tablets.
I'll keep you updated with the results....
I am in great shock or the loss...did you see all that eggs?
I am now treating the tank with the male with Aquarium Pharmaceutical's FURAN-2 tablets.
I'll keep you updated with the results....
I am in great shock or the loss...did you see all that eggs?

- Yann
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When you say the water paramters were fine, what exactly did you check? I've only seen septicemia a few times, but each time there was ammonia present in the water. 30% water changes every day for a week can go a long way in helping your fish get strong enough to battle many problems. Especially if you're medicating, I'd recommend them right now.
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- Barbie
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Mainly because my fish don't get sick
Don't dance around too much, I still have to use a few types here at the store, lol!
We don't have antibiotics available in the US that you don't redose for a full course of them. I'm not sure that any antibiotic is going to be effective without a continued schedule of dosing, or how it would continue to be effective in the water column for long periods. Maybe paul can shed more light on that for us? ;)

We don't have antibiotics available in the US that you don't redose for a full course of them. I'm not sure that any antibiotic is going to be effective without a continued schedule of dosing, or how it would continue to be effective in the water column for long periods. Maybe paul can shed more light on that for us? ;)