2 Zebras dead!!!

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2 Zebras dead!!!

Post by husky_jim »

This is very sad for me guys.....i 've lost to of my females..here is a link with pics with eggs...................Sorry for not reposting but i am in very bad condition after that.


http://www.piranha-fury.com/forum/pfury ... opic=50936
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Post by Yann »


Sorry to hear that!!
Have you check the water parameters?
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Post by husky_jim »

All the parameters where perfect...after further examination it was discoverred that the fish colour was redish and several bloody veins where visible on their skin.This means that it was a parasitic infection and more specific it was Hemorrhagic Septisemia.
I am now treating the tank with the male with Aquarium Pharmaceutical's FURAN-2 tablets.
I'll keep you updated with the results....

I am in great shock or the loss...did you see all that eggs? :(
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Post by Yann »


Yeap I know how it feels...
I lost a L260 female that was stuck in a small pipe, I preserved her in alcohol, when I found her she had a belly full of eggs...
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Post by Caol_ila »


Hemorrhagic Septisemia isnt a parasitic infection as it is bacterial.
Just be aware that the Nifurpirinol will wipe out all of your filter bacteria and youll have to recycle the tank.
Good luck!
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Post by husky_jim »

Caol_ila wrote:Hi!

Hemorrhagic Septisemia isnt a parasitic infection as it is bacterial.
Just be aware that the Nifurpirinol will wipe out all of your filter bacteria and youll have to recycle the tank.
Good luck!
thanks for the correction and the info.....
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Post by Barbie »

When you say the water paramters were fine, what exactly did you check? I've only seen septicemia a few times, but each time there was ammonia present in the water. 30% water changes every day for a week can go a long way in helping your fish get strong enough to battle many problems. Especially if you're medicating, I'd recommend them right now.

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Post by Caol_ila »


Isnt furanol an antibiotic? so messing around with the water before the medication time is up would produce immune bacteria tribes right?
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Post by Barbie »

Not in my opinion, no. I always do 30% water changes just before redosing. The antibiotics aren't building up in the water, they've already broken down between doses, or there'd be no need to redose.

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Post by Caol_ila »

ok...my JBL Furanol medication is used for 4 days then 50% waterchange and in case of need redose after a few days.
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Post by Barbie »

But you're redosing daily, correct? The water changes in between just keep your water quality as good as possible. I dunno, I've all but stopped using meds and just the water changes by themselves tend to work miracles, IME.

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Post by Caol_ila »

no redosing...
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Post by pturley »

Barbie Wrote:
I dunno, I've all but stopped using meds and just the water changes by themselves tend to work miracles, IME.

AAAHHhhh! Good to hear. :D
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Post by Barbie »

Mainly because my fish don't get sick :p Don't dance around too much, I still have to use a few types here at the store, lol!

We don't have antibiotics available in the US that you don't redose for a full course of them. I'm not sure that any antibiotic is going to be effective without a continued schedule of dosing, or how it would continue to be effective in the water column for long periods. Maybe paul can shed more light on that for us? ;)

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Post by ClayT101 »

I am very sorry for your loss. It always sucks to lose expensive fish, espescially when you are trying to breed them :(
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Post by dantouan »

Great loss friend......
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