came home today with 6 new corys.. 3 corydoras similis and 3 corydoras aeneus - orange lasers... and wanted to share them with the cory loving world.. lol... here they are...
thanks for all your replies.. as i was very excited to get these guys.. even if it was only 3 of each species.. had to jump at that chance to buy them as i am sure it would be some time before i saw them again.. and yes.. these were bought in saskatoon.. each species from a different lfs.
Nice photos Mad. Do you have male and female similis? I found them easy to spawn at 75 degrees and 6.5pH. I was averaging 75 eggs per spawn. Best of luck with the fish.
it looks like 1 female and two males with the similis and they look full grown at 2"+.. that is great that u got them spawning.. i too hope to do that down the road.. but right now i am sitting with 23 species of corys.. so i have to pick and choose which ones i want to work on at one time. i would definately like to hear more about your successes with spawning these corys corybreed.. maybe drop me an email or PM
and i would have to look closer with the orange lasers to see if i could sex them.. from a glance it looks similar ratio to the similis