Ancistrus sp. L-144 (Gold/black eyes)
I am a bit reluctant to give away this info, due to the fact that this is my first spawn on this species and that this might just be a lucky coincidence and the info in this thread may not be relevant for breeding this specie at all.
I promise to give feedback if and when they spawn again.
Bought at approx. 3,0cm (Christmas 2003)
Grow-out tank: 528l well planted.
Diet: Tetramin, Tropical welsi gran, frozen red mosquito larvae, daphnia, Cyclops, vegetable mix, shrimp mix and spirulina algae tabs.
· Temp: 27°C
· Ph: 6-6.5
· Gh: 4
· No2: 0
· Theoretical water flow: 2700l/h (6 times tank volume)
Pic of the growout tank.
Breeding tank: 97l
A few floating plants (Pistia, Ceratopteris)
2 pcs Ã?32mm PVC tubing.
1 ceramic pot
1 little piece of driftwood. (added after the spawn)
The breeding tank was initially set up 4 days before the breeding pair was introduced. 50% water change 1 day prior to the introduction.
No heater.
1 Fluval 4plus (1000l/h)
· Temp. 20°C
· Ph: 6,5-7
· Gh: 8
· No2: 0
· Water flow: 1000l/t (11,5 times tank volume)
Pic of breeding tank.
In addition to the change of environment I think an increase of Gh 1 day after the introduction may have triggered the spawning.
2 days after the eggs were laid I put a heater in the tank and raised the temp to 23°C.
The eggs hatched after 5 days and the first babies came out of the pvc-tubing 3 days after hatching (these still had their egg yolk), the rest of the kids came approx. after 7 days.
Food was introduced a soon as I saw the egg yolks was digested.
Diet: algae tabs, welsi gran and tetramin.
Now, after 23 days the kids are 1-1,5cm.
If I have missed something crucial please let me know!