How to Treat Cories Safely for Ick

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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How to Treat Cories Safely for Ick

Post by Fiver »

I have a 29G community tank which my cories are in, and have noticed that my 4 female guppies have ick. I was wondering what the safest way to treat the tank would be? I realize that cories are scaleless fish and need special treatment, so what can I treat them with? Any help would be appreciated. If you need tanks stats, I'll post them later as today is a stat checking day. Thank you in advance

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Post by magnum4 »

If the white spot in advanced stage you will need to use a combination of heat treatment. increase tank temperature to 30-32C this will increase parasite life cycle, and use a 50% dose of any white spot treatment. If no improvement after a couple of days of treatment you can move up to a full dose treatment with corydoras.
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Post by Fiver »

Thank you magnum. I have added some Nox-Ich at half the dosage and the water temperature is starting it's slow hourly climb to 30 C. I have tested my water and these are the results:

pH- 7.0 - 7.3 (hard to tell what exactly with my test kit)
No2- >0.1 ppm
No3- between 10 and 20 ppm (a little high but not too bad)
NH4/NH3- 0 ppm

So far only the female guppies have shown the ich, but I want to make sure no one else gets it. Should I add some anti-bacterial medicine to the water to prevent any secondary infections? I had one of my male guppies die mysteriously on me today and don't want it to spread to anyone else, especially my cories. :( So would an anti-bacterial medicine help or just be over kill? Thank you.

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Post by magnum4 »

So would an anti-bacterial medicine help or just be over kill? Thank you.
Over kill as it's not a good idea to mix chemicals unless you know exactly what you are mixing.

Secondary infections should be handled as and when you see them. The best you can do is to keep your water quality as good as possible during the treatment and after.
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