right, dose eny one know how much u would expect to pay for a tigrinus? ive just been offerd a 6" fish for £230 or a pair for £420 i havent had a good look at them yet but ive been told there realy nice young fish dose eny one know if thats a good price or would i find a better price if i had a look around i live in the norht of england and these are the first ive come across while ive been looking.
cheers for any help you may be able to give me.
a man who takes the long way will always get there in the end (just later than every one else)
well i went round to see him but couldent bring my self to splash out the money. so ive bought a b.juruenese i payed £50 for a baby then later found 1 for £40 but to late then hes only tiny but hes feeding grate! i poped him in his tank with the baby arowana and he devowerd what was left of his blood worm so im pritty pleased about that im putting the rest of the money i saved towards a better filter system for my new 8x2x2 tank which is on order for when i get my new house with more room so fingers crossed every things going to work out fine
a man who takes the long way will always get there in the end (just later than every one else)