L66 still in hiding

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L66 still in hiding

Post by bagpiper »


A few month's back, I posted a topic about my recently purchased L66 King Tiger plec which never came out and spent all the daylight hours behind the filter. I implemented some changes such as creating some new crevices under bogwood and a small flowerpot with access from both ends and subdued "blue moon" lighting for a couple of hours a day. The L66 has taken up residence under one of the pieces of bogwood now, but still never ventures out from there during waking hours - I once saw him at the other end of the tank by torchlight but he immediately darted for cover. Is this just a particularly shy fish or is this common with this L number? I would appreciate hearing experiences from any other L66 keepers- he eats OK as long as I land the food right by his territory and pushes any other fish away from his territory if they come too close. I only have a 36" tank and was thinking of adding another L66 to see if this would help overcome the shyness but I don't think there is room, given that I have a Bristlenose in there already along with pr. Geophagus Steindachneri and some tetras.

Thanks ... David
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Post by hippyguy »

Hey David,
I currently have 4 L066 in a 30" and I often see them out in the day, if I sit around and am still for a while! I have 5 adult Endler's livebearers in with them which act as dither fish and the babies are live food. (though I havn't yet noticed any babies missing :? ). How big is it? I would definately add another one, provided you have enough caves and hiding places for them. My tank is full of rocks, caves and bogwood. IMO he shouldn't be hiding behind a filter, because this usually means that he doesn't have a proper cave. You should also try building him a cave, with one end closed so that he can 'gaurd' his spot! What are you feeding him? I give mine frozen bloodworm and frozen adult brinesrimp, which they relish :lol:
Hope this helps, any other q's just ask!
Hippyguy :D
Posts: 5
Joined: 04 Dec 2003, 13:34
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Post by bagpiper »

Thanks hippyguy,

The L66 is about 3" and he has taken ownership of a cave in a cavity beneath a piece of bogwood He just doesn't come out from it but does guard it well. Feeding on frozen bloodworms, frozen krill, cucumber, algae wafers and Tetra mixed tablet food.
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