1. Water parameters
a) Temerature range. - 78°F
b) pH. - 7.6
c) GH. - 7
d) KH - 2
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, leavels. - zero at last test
f) Water change frequency - weekly 25-35%
2. Tank set up
a) Size. - 15 gal
b) Substrate. - sand
c) Filtration. - aquaclear mini
d) Furnishings. planted with java fern, java moss and cork screw val.. broken clay pots and a peice of drift wood
e) Other tank mates. 1 platy, 1 aeneus and 4 sterbai
f) How long has it been set-up? set up for 1 year +
since this pic last week it looks as thought the whitish grey patch on the top of it may be growing