Hoplisoma osvaldi, new species, Urkumayu, new genus

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Hoplisoma osvaldi, new species, Urkumayu, new genus

Post by bekateen »


Hoplisoma gladysae = .
Hoplisoma micracanthum =
Hoplisoma petracinii =

And clearly, based on the phylogenetic tree, more changes are coming.

Alonso, F., Terán, G.E., Aguilera, G., Montes, M.M., Alanís, W.S.S., Calviño, P., Vera-Alcaraz, H.S., Cardoso, Y., Koerber, S., & J.M. Mirande. (2024).
Integrative phylogeny of Corydoradinae (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) with an emphasis on Northwestern La Plata species, including descriptions of a new genus and species. Zoologischer Anzeiger, ISSN 0044-5231.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 3124001153

The knowledge about the diversity and phylogeny of South American callichthyid armored catfishes of the subfamily Corydoradinae is still growing, after important recent contributions, and many species have uncertain relationships. In this study, we present the first combined phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus based on five genes, 83 morphological characters, and 153 species, providing synapomorphies for some of the main genera of Corydoradinae, as recently defined. The inclusion of species not previously analyzed in a phylogenetic context challenged the monophyly of
and required the definition of a new genus for endemic species from the Andean portion of the northwestern La Plata basin (ANWLP): , H. micracanthum, and H. petracinii. We found Hoplisoma non monophyletic with Hoplisoma sensu stricto not sister to a clade of species herein named the clade. In this clade we recovered a new species of Hoplisoma, which is endemic to the upper Bermejo basin, as sister to Hoplisoma paleatum from the lower La Plata basin. The new species is distinguished from all congeners by a unique coloration similar to that of the syntopic H. micracanthum, suggesting a putative case of Müllerian co-mimicry.

Keywords: Müllerian co-mimicry; coloration; endemic species; Upper Bermejo; threatened species
Note: I fused figs 9 and 10 for this tree
Note: I fused figs 9 and 10 for this tree
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Re: Hoplisoma osvaldi, new species, Urkumayu, new genus

Post by Jools »

Ah, so peppered corys under the microscope? I think this new genus could be called mountain or hillstream corys?


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Re: Hoplisoma osvaldi, new species, Urkumayu, new genus

Post by bekateen »

Undescribed "Lineage 6" CLOG entries to watch for grouping with the 'Hoplisoma' paleatum group include:
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Re: Hoplisoma osvaldi, new species, Urkumayu, new genus

Post by OregonOutdoorsChris »

And I'm sure you're all on it already, but it looks like the Cat-elog for H. osvaldi might have some copy-paste errors in it. As I'm sure it's not from Lake Tanganyika nor "Could be confused with Synodontis polli" :d
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Re: Hoplisoma osvaldi, new species, Urkumayu, new genus

Post by bekateen »

OregonOutdoorsChris wrote: 28 Nov 2024, 17:19 And I'm sure you're all on it already, but it looks like the Cat-elog for H. osvaldi might have some copy-paste errors in it. As I'm sure it's not from Lake Tanganyika nor "Could be confused with Synodontis polli" :d
Thanks. Yeah, we're on it. The errors exist because I repurposed an old CLOG page for an invalid Synodontis entry (S. ilebrevis). It takes some time for the website's automation to overwrite old data.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Cheers, Eric
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