Info about ancistrus l327

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Info about ancistrus l327

Post by seb47 »

Hi guys,

I recently got a group of 5 l327 juveniles about 2" SL and have found it hard to find any information about them. I found a thread here about small ancistrus that seemed to group them with Ancistrus claro but their listed sizes are quite different. Other than that I haven't found anything of note and nothing on youtube which was surprising.

They seem to be doing well so far and I imagine like most ancistrus they're not too fussy but would appreciate any extra information I could get my hands on.

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Re: Info about ancistrus l327

Post by Fallen_Leaves16 »

They're odd little Ancistrus. I'm fairly certain the bristles in juveniles grow rapidly after ~6cm TL or so IIRC.
Males are awfully belligerent, but chase more than fight. They'll get about ~13cm TL for males, but stay around ~10cm TL more often than not.
Rather simple to keep; good eaters and not particularly difficult to spawn.
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Re: Info about ancistrus l327

Post by seb47 »

Fallen_Leaves16 wrote: 31 Oct 2024, 14:21 They're odd little Ancistrus. I'm fairly certain the bristles in juveniles grow rapidly after ~6cm TL or so IIRC.
Males are awfully belligerent, but chase more than fight. They'll get about ~13cm TL for males, but stay around ~10cm TL more often than not.
Rather simple to keep; good eaters and not particularly difficult to spawn.
Thanks for the info! My group all has some level of bristles on the lips and from what I can see none on the head so far. Are the females particularly bristly? I've noticed a bit of chasing but in small bursts most of the time they seem to get along.
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Re: Info about ancistrus l327

Post by Fallen_Leaves16 »

seb47 wrote: 27 Nov 2024, 19:51
Fallen_Leaves16 wrote: 31 Oct 2024, 14:21 They're odd little Ancistrus. I'm fairly certain the bristles in juveniles grow rapidly after ~6cm TL or so IIRC.
Males are awfully belligerent, but chase more than fight. They'll get about ~13cm TL for males, but stay around ~10cm TL more often than not.
Rather simple to keep; good eaters and not particularly difficult to spawn.
Thanks for the info! My group all has some level of bristles on the lips and from what I can see none on the head so far. Are the females particularly bristly? I've noticed a bit of chasing but in small bursts most of the time they seem to get along.
The females aren't particularly bristle-y, but do have some short stubbles; the second-smallest one I had had none. Certainly not a great mane as you'd see in the ranunculus-types.
I would expect them to be like most other Ancistrus in the regard that they usually start out with bristles as juveniles, but only males grow them out.

I only had a group of WC adults for a short while, and some of what I know is secondhand from the fellow who bought them from me (I regretfully lost his contact info).
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