Trachelyopterichthys Taeniatus care

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Trachelyopterichthys Taeniatus care

Post by exasperatus2002 »

I understand they grow to 6". Would they be ok housed with Corydoras?
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Re: Trachelyopterichthys Taeniatus care

Post by Fallen_Leaves16 »

I kept mine with cories and experienced no issues; mine was pretty small, though. I wouldn't cohabitate taeniatus with species small enough to be eaten pretty easily (c. habrosus or pygmaeus, for instance), but the vast majority of cories won't be eaten. Think they get a bit bigger than 6" (SL, at any rate) but I'm not completely certain.
Only big issue I encountered keeping this species is that mine was extremely emaciated when I obtained it and was very difficult to feed (think it was due to its poor condition). Only way I could get it to eat was if I infused bloodworms with garlic and fed it in a separate container.
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Re: Trachelyopterichthys Taeniatus care

Post by Jools »

Yes, they will be fine. Their mouths aren't that big for the size of fish they are so even full grown they are OK with adult corys.

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