Spawning L127 - hypostomus/ancistrinae unae
L127 fry
Bad news guys the fry have been dropping off 2 -3 a day. Sometimes more.
There is only 5 left. While excited they spawned disappointed that i havent had better success with the fry.
There is 1 that looks like the yolk sak is about to go. If i can get him on to a food that will be a step forward. The other 4 still have a bit of the yolk sack.
I will keep trying to get them to spawn and continue to document the details and maybe write up my first catfish spawning paper....
[email protected]
There is only 5 left. While excited they spawned disappointed that i havent had better success with the fry.
There is 1 that looks like the yolk sak is about to go. If i can get him on to a food that will be a step forward. The other 4 still have a bit of the yolk sack.
I will keep trying to get them to spawn and continue to document the details and maybe write up my first catfish spawning paper....
[email protected]
- plesner
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Too bad about the fry. 
I've heard that the fry of some species of catfish seem to die within the first couple of weeks - probably due to some sort of bacterial infection - if they're raised in a tank without gravel. A thin layer of sand at the bottom of the tank usually helps a lot.
I don't know if it would be possible to put a little sand in your fry saver, but it might be worth considering ?

I've heard that the fry of some species of catfish seem to die within the first couple of weeks - probably due to some sort of bacterial infection - if they're raised in a tank without gravel. A thin layer of sand at the bottom of the tank usually helps a lot.
I don't know if it would be possible to put a little sand in your fry saver, but it might be worth considering ?
- Yann
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Did you check the water parameters?
Did you pace them in a floating nursery?
If yes is it place in the main tank or did you setup another tank for them?
Did yo add an airstone in there?
Hope you will save the remaining guys...
I'll keep my fingers cross...
Did you check the water parameters?
Did you pace them in a floating nursery?
If yes is it place in the main tank or did you setup another tank for them?
Did yo add an airstone in there?
Hope you will save the remaining guys...
I'll keep my fingers cross...
Don't Give Up, Don't Ever Give Up!
Update still 5 fry
In answer to your q's yannfulliquet
I havent checked nitrates yet... ? will do tonight
They are in a fry saver i made with the parents. Its basically a 4lt icecream container with sides cut out and nylon flyscreen put in place to retain fry in there.
There is good flow through the saver.
There is also an airstone as well...
I think they are close to having lost yolk sack... now hard part getting them to eat and then i should be ok fingers crossed although survival rate has not been great...
[email protected]
In answer to your q's yannfulliquet
I havent checked nitrates yet... ? will do tonight
They are in a fry saver i made with the parents. Its basically a 4lt icecream container with sides cut out and nylon flyscreen put in place to retain fry in there.
There is good flow through the saver.
There is also an airstone as well...
I think they are close to having lost yolk sack... now hard part getting them to eat and then i should be ok fingers crossed although survival rate has not been great...
[email protected]
This may be of no help to you at all , But in my learning to mass produce Ansistrus and Sturisoma ,I have found that I get the best results by putting my eggs in a styrofoam box
with about three inches of water and a little air. I try to wait as long as possible befor I take
the eggs from the male I will leave them in the box until they are free swimming and eating good ,some times two weeks. With out a lid algae grows very good under these condictions.
Also I have found that the young of the fish I raise feed on rotten veges, I prefer brussel
sprouts as they deteriorate one layer at a time , I am not sure if it is the veges. that they
like or the bugs that it produces.
Like I said this is what works for me, and I raise volume.
The full use of styrofoam boxes is something that should be discused at length at another time.
with about three inches of water and a little air. I try to wait as long as possible befor I take
the eggs from the male I will leave them in the box until they are free swimming and eating good ,some times two weeks. With out a lid algae grows very good under these condictions.
Also I have found that the young of the fish I raise feed on rotten veges, I prefer brussel
sprouts as they deteriorate one layer at a time , I am not sure if it is the veges. that they
like or the bugs that it produces.
Like I said this is what works for me, and I raise volume.
The full use of styrofoam boxes is something that should be discused at length at another time.
- Yann
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- Location 2: Switzerland
- Interests: Catfish mainly form South America, Cichlids, Geckos, Horses WWII airplanes, Orchids
Hi all
Well i still have the 1 sole survior fry from this spawning.....
The good news is i have a second chance another clutch of eggs.... I hope to one day soon get my own digital camera and take some nice photos
Well i still have the 1 sole survior fry from this spawning.....
The good news is i have a second chance another clutch of eggs.... I hope to one day soon get my own digital camera and take some nice photos
- Jools
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Just to say that I have FINALLY gotten around to adding these pictures and I would certainly like to add some data to if you'd be good enough to oblidge with a data submission form.
Any more pics or the young fish now or as they developed?
Just to say that I have FINALLY gotten around to adding these pictures and I would certainly like to add some data to if you'd be good enough to oblidge with a data submission form.
Any more pics or the young fish now or as they developed?
Owner,, & Please consider donating towards this site's running costs.
FRy are still going well... Although i have found them to be very slow growers...
Still trying to find time to get the extra photos but have submitted some basic info... Learning is still being done on this species...
FRy are still going well... Although i have found them to be very slow growers...
Still trying to find time to get the extra photos but have submitted some basic info... Learning is still being done on this species...