
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by Desauron »

Hello, is it a rumor of the bristlenose size depends on the tank size? I'm trying to keep them as small and healthy as possible, I have read that they can grow somewhere to 10-15 cm, I'm trying to keep them to that 10 cm minimum if possible.
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Re: Bristlenose

Post by bekateen »

Hello Desauron,

First, welcome to PlanetCatfish.

I presume you are talking about the "common" bristlenose pleco (), which yes can reach 15cm, maybe more, if it lives a good long life. They will start breeding at a much smaller size, about half that size.

It is true that if you overcrowd a fish by raising it in a tank too small for its health, you will stunt its growth. But you do not stop its growth entirely. It will continue to grow, although at a slower growth rate. However, by raising the fish in a tank too small for its health, you also cause the fish to experience physiological stress, which will shorten its life span and reduce its happiness.

I don't think anybody on this website would recommend or advise you to attempt to shorten the adult size of a fish in a way that causes stress and distress to the fish.

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Re: Bristlenose


if you want a small bristlenose get a
when you have a cringy video game name like me -> X_X
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Re: Bristlenose

Post by Redrain »

There are many species that stay small. Check out the Cat-eLog, it has a neat tool that sorts species by size
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