I’ve read a lot of great reviews about Repashy food, so I figured I’d give Bottom Scratcher a try. The fish love it - it’s like someone dropped crack cocaine into the tank.
But OMG, the SMELL . Even a dead rat that got trapped behind a pipe in the cellar doesn’t come close. I’m worried I may have to flamethrower my kitchen to try to get rid of it. And my wife is threatening to move out to a hotel for the duration...
As soon as I mix it, I put the container outside to set. That really helps a lot. I make a lot and then cut it into slabs and freeze it. That way I minimize the number of stinky days in the year.
“No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anonymous
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”" Daniel Patrick Moynihan
"The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it." Neil DeGrasse Tyson
I mix mine up in old yogurt containers. Then I just stick it in the fridge and let it set (with the lid on). I take the container out and use a spoon to scoop out what I need to feed.
1/2 cup of food into the container followed by 1.5 cups of boiling water. Stir until evenly mixed with a spoon. That's probably the only difficult part as it's hard to stir evenly and tends to clump if I am not thorough.
Smell is really only an issue when I am stirring so I mix it up at night after the wife goes to bed.
My wife lives in a different city, and my kids have no authority to complain. I can stink up the house as much as I want. And if my kids do complain, I just ask them if they have smelled themselves lately. #TeenageHygieneDeficiencySyndrome
I had a similar problem with some home-made food, which smelled like (and I quote my wife here) "Satan farted and then it congealed". I now heat water in a pot on the grill outside (the home-made stuff needs near-boiling water). In cold weather the congealing part happens outside on the screened-in porch, too.
I think this is a gross exaggeration. My wife is the type who has 2 pluggins in every room and oil diffusers on every counter and table top she can fit. If my dogs fart she makes me look for poop and wipe out their kennels and when I first got Repashy / bottom scratcher / morning wood / Soilent Green / spawn and grow I warned her that it was considered to be very arromatic and not pleasing to be around. She’s also what I consider a class 1 germiphobe so I went out and bought containers / spatulas / mixing whisk / spoons knives forks all just for handling this stuff without having to use any of our own personal stuff with the fear the scent may stick to them. I had made multiple batches some mixed some not and by the time I had made it and set them all in containers to set she entered the kitchen and asked when I was goin to begin to make it and I was shocked because I had already finished. I told her I was done and she said she could barely smell it and she was standing beside me. She herself said that the smell wasn’t at all unpleasant nor did it consume the entire house as our kitchen is like a hallway which opens up on either side to the rest of the house. So I think the stinkiness some of you are crying about is grossly overstated. And my wife is a stickler for scents.
Some formulas are better than others. Grub pie smells pretty nasty to me. Fruut Luups on the other hand, I would consider tasting. It really does smell like the cereal.
Fruut Luups has been discontinued. It has been replaced by a new formula which is called Igapo' Explorer Forager. I contacted Dr. T when I could not reorder the Fruut Luups and he explained that the new product was better even as it remained pretty similar in concept.
The fish which greedily shred the Fruut Luups are my big clown loaches. The would attack the slabs as they sank. I am hoping the new mix will have the same appeal.
Last edited by TwoTankAmin on 23 May 2018, 13:44, edited 1 time in total.
“No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anonymous
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”" Daniel Patrick Moynihan
"The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it." Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Haha - you haven’t even tried meat pie yet if you think that one smells! Get her to pull your finger next time and make the food quickly. Or blow her a beer and garlic sausage burp if she’s in the room.
I was sent to the store to buy my own cooking ware and a dorm size fridge. Problem solved. I mix mine when she is away or taking a shower. Heat up water 2 minutes in a pyrex, portion the repashy food in a bowl, plastic fork and mix in garage. Pour the porridge in a plastic container with lid and store in fridge.
Actually, the smell is not that offensive. It smells like a seafood soup or gumbo.
Offensive is a microworm culture gone bad, run Forest run.
M. Ortiz