Parotocinclus/hypoptopoma specie?

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Parotocinclus/hypoptopoma specie?

Post by Thomas1209 »

Hello folks. In the aquarium store where I work I noticed that with the shipping of Otocinclus vittatus there were also 2 different kind of fish. At first they looked to me as a parotocinclus and since they grow only 30mm, it could be. But after I checked the database I don't think they are since they don't have that adipose fin.

"The genus Parotocinclus can readily be distinguished from Otocinclus by the presence of an adipose fin in the former."

From looking at the google images I suspect them to be hypoptopoma gulare, but they are still tiny. I would estimate them at around 30mm but the gulares grow up to 105mm so that makes me doubt myself. Is there anyone who wants to have a guess?

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Re: Parotocinclus/hypoptopoma specie?

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Have you looked at ? :)
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Re: Parotocinclus/hypoptopoma specie?

Post by Thomas1209 »

I think you are absolutely right. I also read they are mostly herbivores and the fish sit alot on the stones and woods where there is some algae. Does anyone know how "rare" these are in the hobby? I haven't seen them before and I would like the idea of having a group of them and possibly give breeding a try. I keep them a bit too warm tho, I have them at 26 degrees but can't go any lower due to the other plecos.
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Re: Parotocinclus/hypoptopoma specie?

Post by Acanthicus »

Looks like Otothyropsis piribebuy.
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Re: Parotocinclus/hypoptopoma specie?

Post by Thomas1209 »

Acanthicus wrote: 04 Dec 2017, 15:16 Looks like Otothyropsis piribebuy.
Oh man that's a good one too! Never came across that specie either. Honestly I have no idea what the difference between these species is. Does anyone know?
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