False Zebra Pleco

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False Zebra Pleco

Post by albertoceronn »

Could anybody help me identify this pleco? It was sold as false zebra pleco
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Re: False Zebra Pleco

Post by albertoceronn »

Another picture
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Re: False Zebra Pleco

Post by bekateen »

Hi albertoceronn,

Is this a different fish from the fish you showed us before, which was sold as a false zebra? The colors look different. If it's not the same fish, is it from the same source?

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Re: False Zebra Pleco

Post by albertoceronn »

Hello Bekateen1, it is a different pleco. Both of them were sold as False Zebra Pleco but they are different, the other one has no white strips like this one. The other Pleco has orange strips and algo this one is bigger. Let me add some extra pictures.
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Re: False Zebra Pleco

Post by PseudaSmart »

L129 Colombian Zebra. There is a lot of variation in their appearance.
Almost 3,000 gallons solely for raising and breeding Pseudacanthicus.
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Re: False Zebra Pleco

Post by albertoceronn »

This is the other one, it is a Colombian Zebra Pleco too?
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Re: False Zebra Pleco

Post by milkovic »

It should be L129
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Re: False Zebra Pleco

Post by zombiemex »

hypancistrus debilittera definitely... L129
here in mexico they call it "falso zebra" false zebra.....
remember that hypancistrus preffer meaty foods than algae. b-)
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