Synodontis pleurops nest

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Synodontis pleurops nest

Post by r7man »

Anyone who keeps S. Pleurops have you noticed them forming nest out of pebbles? I have come across a few articles that say they build nest out of pebbles but can't find this anywhere else.
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Re: Synodontis pleurops nest

Post by Birger »

I think being congo synos they would be egg scatterers.A screen across the bottom with some plants such as anubias or any bunchplant on top of the screen should possibly work.the pebble idea sounds like it comes from lake tangy syno breeders.

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Re: Synodontis pleurops nest

Post by Birger »

Split your males and females for conditioning then bring them together for spawning in the above set up.

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Re: Synodontis pleurops nest

Post by r7man »

I don't have a group of them. I'm getting Soloni to try my hand at breeding. I just came across an article that said they were nest builders and was wondering if this was correct or not. Wouldn't think they would but was wondering if anyone has seen this behavior
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