catfish for my tank

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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catfish for my tank

Post by craigmason71 »

I own a 3ft tank it contains 2 angelfish a group of 4 Congo tetras 2 silver flying foxes 2 Siamese flying foxes what catfish can I add to my tank???
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Re: catfish for my tank

Post by Jobro »

Hey there,

you should add some more specifics about your tank.
Hardness of water?
Planted or no plants? What kind of plants and rather many or just some few?
Aeriation? Any active aeriation or just by plants?

Answers to those questions will make it easier to suggest any catfish.
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Re: catfish for my tank

Post by N0body Of The Goat »

craigmason71 wrote:I own a 3ft tank it contains 2 angelfish a group of 4 Congo tetras 2 silver flying foxes 2 Siamese flying foxes what catfish can I add to my tank???
You have only given one dimension of the tank, presumably ~90cm in length, which in my opinion is too small for any of your existing fish, unless you have just bought them all as youngsters and this tank is a quarantine tank to check their health and appetites for the next few weeks or so.
I would be looking at a larger volume 4-foot tank at the very least for life, something like a Rio240 (which is 120x41x51cm), which should give the cichlids enough true water depth to keep their classic triangular shape as they mature and a reasonable tank length and width for the others.

The tetras will definitely appreciate an increase in numbers, these days I always try to do 10+ specimens for social fish.

Once you have given more details on your setup, answering questions such as those given above, it will be far easier for members to suggest catfish that suit. But generally speaking, one of the moderate sized Synodontis spp. spring to mind such as...
10+ S. nigriventris
10+ S. flavitaeniatus
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Re: catfish for my tank

Post by KubiCZEk »

Hi, I have a tank 185 cm * 65 cm x 65 cm. I want there some bigger catfish. What do you recommend? I want to have - 5 pcs Hemiancistrus subviridis, 5 pcs Peckoltia Saba, Sunshine pleco 1pc, 1pc Panaque nigrolineatus. possible? Thanks to James K
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Re: catfish for my tank

Post by Mol_PMB »

If you are interested in breeding, then either of those groups of 5 should work, as a species tank.
If you're not interested in breeding then you might be OK with one of each of the four species mentioned, although preferably with a clear pecking order of size.
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