We were here: 3°25'25.8"N 116°27'38.8"E (enter into google Earth to see location) in stunning prisitine primary rainforest. We caught many fish in the small river by our camp. The sungai Setulang is a tributary of the S. Malinau, which in turn flows into the S. Sesayap.
The S. Malinau:

The S. Setulang, where we did our fishing:

First up, by special request from @BomNya, Garra cf borneensis (or is this you newly described species?)

and again in situ...

Among the catfish were two species of . The first I posted bad pictures of last year and @Silurus commented then that this species resembled an undescribed one from further south. Here are three specimens we found this year:
specimen 1

specimen 2

specimen 3

and again, after I returned it to the river...

The second Glyptothorax has a more slender body, uniform coloration and more but smaller cerations on the pectoral fin. Is this Glyptothorax platypogonides perhaps?
specimen 1

specimen 2

This will have to do for today, but many more to follow....