Power Outages a major problem for my catfish.
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- Joined: 01 Dec 2003, 03:42
- Location 1: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Interests: Animals
Power Outages a major problem for my catfish.
For the past couple of days we have had major storms with about two feet of snow. The power has been going off regularly with often ten hours or more without power. I covered my tanks with blankets and pillows and was able to keep the temperature at 75 F. My fish all lived, so far, but they are showing signs of stress and are getting lighter. I don't want to loose any of them but I don't know what more I can do. Last night the power was out for eight hours and the night before for almost twelve. My otos are showing the most stress and are clinging on to the side or staying at the bottom they are all lighter in color and have to swim to the top for air because of the power outage. HELP! I also will not be at home tonight incase the power is shut off again and i will not be back until sunday because we are leaving town to a relatives. My fish have food but I don't know what to do about the blankets... Should I leave them on incase it does go out again or will it get too hot with the heater on too?
- Posts: 25
- Joined: 01 Dec 2003, 03:42
- Location 1: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Interests: Animals
Me again
I also need answers as quick as possible incase it does go out again ....please.
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Did you search the forum yet? This topic has been discussed at great length.
"My journey is at an end and the tale is told. The reader who has followed so faithfully and so far, they have the right to ask, what do I bring back? It can be summed up in three words. Concentrate upon Uganda."
Winston Churchill, My African Journey
Winston Churchill, My African Journey
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- Location 1: Salt Lake City, Utah
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I did search the forums but all I found are stuff regarding air and what I am worried about it temperature more than anything. And all the back up systems that are talked about I have no clue where to find because I have never seen them before while shopping for other things. Air is also a small concern but not as mush as temp. I need to know where to get them and what I can do if I can't find them or have to order online which means I won't get them in time for this outage. Is there anything else I can do besides covering my tanks until I am able to get back ups, if I can find them.
nio power
What about getting a generator.....
It is an expense that will help save alot of troubles
[email protected]
It is an expense that will help save alot of troubles
[email protected]
- Barbie
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When the power is on and you have warm water, do a 30% water change for them. You don't mention your filtration, but if you're using a canister filter, the odds are good you're getting trace ammonia levels. A Quick fix would be to go buy some of those little hand warmers and tape them to the aquarium glass, but 75 degrees isn't going to distress anyone considerably, IMO. Blankets and maybe occasionally taking a pitcher or two of water out and pouring it back in to create surface disturbance will definitely help. Good luck, keep us posted!
Last edited by Barbie on 31 Dec 2003, 07:25, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 25
- Joined: 01 Dec 2003, 03:42
- Location 1: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Interests: Animals
Luckily I did not loose anything. I spent the whole night, the power went out again and I could not leave them, coving them with tons of blankets and with an airtube attached to my bubble Screen) hanging out that we hooked up to a little basket ball pump that we pumped every ten to twenty minutes. The fish are stressed but all are alive and behaving pretty close to normal. I will be looking for back ups for next time because I am so tired and was unable to get very much sleep while attending to my tanks. Thanks for the advice and help.
UPS is not the answer for this prob. These are only good for very short-term outages -- typically computers, so that the system is protected from momentary outages, and to give time to take it down in an orderly manner in case of a more protracted outage. Your only dependable alternative here is a generator. Should be easy to find. Don't house it inside, or where exhaust fumes (carbon monoxide) can come inside.
The cheap and simple way to solve this problem is to think live bait. They make all kinds of pumps
for water and air that run off 12 volts. It is easy to make a tranfer switch so the pump comes on
when the power goes off.
So with a 12 volt battery ,a small trickel charger, a pump, and a couple relay cortroles you can
solve your problem.
But beware , your back up is only as good as your maintance programe. I have a stand by
genarator ,every Saterday at 1 p.m. it comes on and runs for 15 min.and shuts down.This keeps
the motor in running condiction. But the last time the power went off the genarator come on and
ran great, but the transfer switch did not engage. I was on hand so it was no problem.
Everything you do helps but you can not count on anything 100%.
for water and air that run off 12 volts. It is easy to make a tranfer switch so the pump comes on
when the power goes off.
So with a 12 volt battery ,a small trickel charger, a pump, and a couple relay cortroles you can
solve your problem.
But beware , your back up is only as good as your maintance programe. I have a stand by
genarator ,every Saterday at 1 p.m. it comes on and runs for 15 min.and shuts down.This keeps
the motor in running condiction. But the last time the power went off the genarator come on and
ran great, but the transfer switch did not engage. I was on hand so it was no problem.
Everything you do helps but you can not count on anything 100%.
I would say that yes this has been a helova storm, but it is gone now and the power will soon be back to normal. The sun actually hit the ground today... I SAW IT. You live in murray? I'm in holliday and it's only flickered. I said in a different topic in tank talk I bet that I have a little generator, little is the key word, that should run all my tanks. They don't take many amps to run. You obviosly care a great deal for the fish, Go see how small of one you can buy new, if you don't like it return it 

Catfish geek in utah
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Re: Thanks
longlivethestrange wrote:Luckily I did not loose anything. I spent the whole night, the power went out again and I could not leave them, coving them with tons of blankets and with an airtube attached to my bubble Screen) hanging out that we hooked up to a little basket ball pump that we pumped every ten to twenty minutes. The fish are stressed but all are alive and behaving pretty close to normal. I will be looking for back ups for next time because I am so tired and was unable to get very much sleep while attending to my tanks. Thanks for the advice and help.
You might want to check out places like Galyans, Cabelas, Bass Outfitters, and Gander Mountain. You should be able to find some battery powered bait air pumps. Additioanlly you can either use a camping stove (Coleman), Gas Grill (Webers?), or outdoor cooker (Camp Chef) and boil some water OUTSIDE or in a WELL VENTILATED AREA (Like your garage with the door open to prevent asphixiation). Take a clean Meat Thermomoter and check the temperature. Add warm water to your tanks. To conserve heat in your tanks the following may help (especially if your like me and do not have the $$$ for a generator)

1 Add aluminum foil around tank.
2 Heavy thick blankets may help
3 HUG HUG the Tank your body heat may prevent freezing.
In my older 1948 house, I noted that the temperature in the ambient air dropped only 10 F after 48 hours. Meanwhile the Temperature in my tanks was starting to drop to 68F.
Good Luck and Maybe you'll here from me later this Winter and then we can discuss whether or not a Michiganders Winter is worse than a Utah (ian?) Winter!

Well enjoy the Weather, it's been mild so far here!
Just think of alll the free ice for your coolers. keep your food nice and cold! OHHH

Sooo many Beers, So little time!
How many Catfish are in your Tank?
Sooo many Beers, So little time!
How many Catfish are in your Tank?
- Posts: 25
- Joined: 01 Dec 2003, 03:42
- Location 1: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Interests: Animals
Thanks everyone for the help. I am glad this storm is gone. In the aftermath I lost two fish about a day after the power came back (due to stress because the temp dropped way lower but I believe the blankets helped tons just have to get a generator for next time.) luckily they where not my catfish even though I love all of my fish. Thanks alot for the help and beersnob its Utahns.
I acctually ended up covering my tanks with pillows, three to four blankets that where thick and putting all my tanks next to eachother we also boiled water on the BBQ grill ( a small one inside) and put the boiled water in those old fashioned foot warmers also surrounding the tanks. I kept the basket ball pump hooked up to a bubble maker inside the tank and ever once in a while would add air with the small hand pump. Talk about being inventive and along night of no sleep because I could not leave them alone.
I acctually ended up covering my tanks with pillows, three to four blankets that where thick and putting all my tanks next to eachother we also boiled water on the BBQ grill ( a small one inside) and put the boiled water in those old fashioned foot warmers also surrounding the tanks. I kept the basket ball pump hooked up to a bubble maker inside the tank and ever once in a while would add air with the small hand pump. Talk about being inventive and along night of no sleep because I could not leave them alone.