At the All Aquarium Catfish Convention Oct. 16-19, 2014 in Herndon, VA. USA
-H. zebra - F1: assorted, sizes from 1.25+ to 1.75+ inch TL. Approx. 15+ avail.
-L-450- F2: assorted, sizes from 1.5 to 2.00 inch TL. Approx. 15+ avail.
-P. compta- WC: mature adults from a group which has spawned. Unsexed as of now. 7-8 avail
-Bristlenose- TR- plain old reg. fin browns. Proven adult pair and 50+ assorted size offspring.
-Assassin snails- unknown number.
-Amano shrimp- approx. 25-30.
-Other fish to be added:
Denisoni Barbs- aka redline torpedo barb approx 2 inch.
Ambastaia sidthimunki- aka dwarf chain loach approx 1 inch.
Hemigrammus bleheri- aka rummy-nose tetra approx 1 inch.
-Hygrophelia- its either salicifolia or corymbosa var. 'Angustifolia' not sure which- large size.
-Assorted anubias- grown floating.
-Assorted anubias- grown attached- some still attached to rock or wood and some not.
-Java fern- assorted.
-Cryptocorene wendtii - assorted green and red.
Tanks and Hardware:
-Almost all of the tanks, lids, cycled filters and heaters for the livestock/plants in the room are also for sale. They can be picked up when empty or Sunday Oct. 19th prior to checkout time and include: 2 x 20 long, 1 x 20 gal., 2 x 10 gal., 1 x metal tube stand for 20l/29 gal. The tanks will be filtered with fully cycled AquaClear 20(100) and 30(150) filters and Hydro sponges.
-2 used XP3 filters with hoses and new external parts.
-Large bag of bio-balls. Other assorted filter media.
-Additional cycled filters: AquaClears and Tetra Whisper Mini, a couple of cycled Hydro sponges
-Rooibos Tea for staining and adding phenols etc. to water. Catappa, aka Indian Almond leaves.
Pre-order Items Available:
These must be arranged for in advance in order for me to bring them.
-Used fluorite- 44 pounds.
-Used 29 gal. w/ lid.- A holdwater tank. Used to grow out L450s. Cycled filters & light available. Tank looks awful but works fine.
-Used 40B gal. w/”lid”.- A holdwater tank. Not display qual. Used to spawn/grow L450s. A no center brace tank w/ 2 glass strips as a lid- no hinge/backstrip.
-Used 50 gal. w/lids. Good condition. Avail: metal stand (white), 1 or 2 AH Supply compact fixtures 2x 36watt compact (straight pin) w/ multi-faceted reflector made of highly polished, coated aluminum. Made of wood painted with black epoxy- water proof. Back glass painted black w/ epoxy paint.
-Used 25 gal. w/lid. Good condition. Two cycled AquaClear filters, heater , strip light- substrate also available.
Prices for all the above Pre-order items are negotiable. If interested email: twotankamin at verizon dot net
15% of the sales price for all of the above will be donated to