Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

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Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by TwoTankAmin »

TwoTankAmin’s Used Fish & Tank Bazar
At the All Aquarium Catfish Convention Oct. 16-19, 2014 in Herndon, VA. USA


-H. zebra - F1: assorted, sizes from 1.25+ to 1.75+ inch TL. Approx. 15+ avail.
-L-450- F2: assorted, sizes from 1.5 to 2.00 inch TL. Approx. 15+ avail.
-P. compta- WC: mature adults from a group which has spawned. Unsexed as of now. 7-8 avail
-Bristlenose- TR- plain old reg. fin browns. Proven adult pair and 50+ assorted size offspring.
-Assassin snails- unknown number.
-Amano shrimp- approx. 25-30.
-Other fish to be added:
Denisoni Barbs- aka redline torpedo barb approx 2 inch.
Ambastaia sidthimunki- aka dwarf chain loach approx 1 inch.
Hemigrammus bleheri- aka rummy-nose tetra approx 1 inch.


-Hygrophelia- its either salicifolia or corymbosa var. 'Angustifolia' not sure which- large size.
-Assorted anubias- grown floating.
-Assorted anubias- grown attached- some still attached to rock or wood and some not.
-Java fern- assorted.
-Cryptocorene wendtii - assorted green and red.

Tanks and Hardware:

-Almost all of the tanks, lids, cycled filters and heaters for the livestock/plants in the room are also for sale. They can be picked up when empty or Sunday Oct. 19th prior to checkout time and include: 2 x 20 long, 1 x 20 gal., 2 x 10 gal., 1 x metal tube stand for 20l/29 gal. The tanks will be filtered with fully cycled AquaClear 20(100) and 30(150) filters and Hydro sponges.
-2 used XP3 filters with hoses and new external parts.
-Large bag of bio-balls. Other assorted filter media.
-Additional cycled filters: AquaClears and Tetra Whisper Mini, a couple of cycled Hydro sponges
-Rooibos Tea for staining and adding phenols etc. to water. Catappa, aka Indian Almond leaves.

Pre-order Items Available:

These must be arranged for in advance in order for me to bring them.
-Used fluorite- 44 pounds.
-Used 29 gal. w/ lid.- A holdwater tank. Used to grow out L450s. Cycled filters & light available. Tank looks awful but works fine.
-Used 40B gal. w/”lid”.- A holdwater tank. Not display qual. Used to spawn/grow L450s. A no center brace tank w/ 2 glass strips as a lid- no hinge/backstrip.
-Used 50 gal. w/lids. Good condition. Avail: metal stand (white), 1 or 2 AH Supply compact fixtures 2x 36watt compact (straight pin) w/ multi-faceted reflector made of highly polished, coated aluminum. Made of wood painted with black epoxy- water proof. Back glass painted black w/ epoxy paint.
-Used 25 gal. w/lid. Good condition. Two cycled AquaClear filters, heater , strip light- substrate also available.

Prices for all the above Pre-order items are negotiable. If interested email: twotankamin at verizon dot net

15% of the sales price for all of the above will be donated to
Last edited by TwoTankAmin on 29 Sep 2014, 16:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by Barbie »

TTA I might be interested in a few of the L134. My group has been on hiatus and I'm not sure it isn't because they are all girls. I'll get in and get them all out for a good look and let you know.

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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by cypho23 »

Anybody interested in picking up fish from TTA and then shipping them to me???

I would be willing to compensate that individual for their time/trouble. I am unable to attend CatCon this year and was hoping to purchase a few L450 from TTA.
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Barb- I am not sure I do not have that problem with my comptas. I got spawns, the fry never made it past a few days free swimming. I tried it all. I did get one fry to make it eventually and lost the alpha male at the same time. I have been peeking at them recently and do not see many with nice rear end odontile growth so i am suspecting I may have mostly fms. I will be pulling them soon to try and sex them. I think with too many females they basically eat eggs or wigglers when the male slips ouyt for any reason (usually food). This is the fm's way to get their chance with the male(s).

I actually think I have a similar problem in the wild zebra breeder group. At one point in the past I had three males on spawns at one time. Now I rarely see more than one caved although I do have a current spawn. I lost several adults over the years and did get a replacement wc pair. I was going to pull them to check the sexes until I found dad on wigglers.

The one thing I know about CatCon is bad as i may be at sexing them, there will be a whole host of folks who can do so quite easily and accurately.
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by Barbie »

Cypho23 can you get to an airport that Southwest flies into? If so, we can probably figure something out. I owe TTA a few favors :).

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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Fish added to the above list:

Denisoni Barbs- aka redline torpedo barb approx 2 inch.
Ambastaia sidthimunki- aka dwarf chain loach approx 1 inch.
Hemigrammus bleheri- aka rummy-nose tetra approx 1 inch.
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by ddavila06 »

how much for the rumminose tetras?
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by TwoTankAmin »

About $2 each. These are wild fish which will have been quarantined for 6+ weeks before I will take possesion of them. They should be some of the more healthy tetras you can find as the people taking care of them prior to reaching me are some of the best in the hobby. Having seen how fast most store tetras seem to rollover and die fairly fast, I consider this important. I plan on keeping about 20 of these for myself as my heard has thinned out over the years.

When it comes to fish, I always tell folks that one healthy fish has to be worth at least 3 DOAs.

And do not forget that 15% of all sales proceeds will be donated to this site.
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by Jools »

TwoTankAmin wrote:And do not forget that 15% of all sales proceeds will be donated to this site.
Which is also very cool.

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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by ddavila06 »

Thank you! depending on how crazy i go with expenses, i might get some at catcon :) :))
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Just an FYI - I will be in Room 325.

I will also not be bothering to bring the few amano shrimp and assassin snails listed above. Rachel, aka msjinkzd, will be selling these two inverts in much greater numbers and for less than I would ask for mine. So if you want either of these two critters, stop into to Room 310- her stock is always healthy.
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by Linus_Cello »

Look forward to meeting you.
(Interested in anubias and crypts)
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by TwoTankAmin »

For those interested in the P. comptas, it looks like at best only 2/11 are males. I want to keep a trio for myself. So of the 8 fish i will bring, at best one is a male.

Because I am not the worlds best fish sexer, I am hoping there will be a few "pros" around the hotel Thursday evening to confirm all of this.
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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by corybreed »


I am interested in the Anubias and Java fern and some L134.

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Re: Room Sale at Catcon + Pre-order Items

Post by msjinkzd »

thanks for the kind words, TTA!
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