Tank mates for zebra plecs

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Tank mates for zebra plecs

Post by Kirstos »

Hi guys

I have a chance to get some large wild caught zebra plecos from Pier Aquatics. How long do ZP live roughly?

I know about the set up of the tank as I currently have a group of five captive bred juveniles in a tank on their own at present. I feed them frozen food and dried foods like Prima and Hikari carnivore pellets (ground up to powder or they wont eat it.

Are there any tankmates that are suitable with zebra plecs? I would like some movement in the tank that wouldnt bother the zebs and would provide some gentle colour and movement and can tolerate the higher temps. I was wondering about cardinal tetra.

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Re: Tank mates for zebra plecs

Post by Matt30 »

I keep sturisoma_aff_festivum with mine, and have had countless spawns
With them in situ, and they don't mind it hot.

The longest I've heard H Zebra live in captivity between 15-20 years !
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Re: Tank mates for zebra plecs

Post by Kirstos »

Ooh thats a nice idea, thanks :)

I was hoping it would be at least that long
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Re: Tank mates for zebra plecs

Post by Kirstos »

If I did add some tank mates such as the cardinal tetra (for example), would it be an issue if the zebs did breed? Would they eat the fry?
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