Pleco ID!

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Pleco ID!

Post by nycfatcow »

Went to the LFS today and picked up a dwarf pleco that was sold as a leopard frog pleco (L134). When i got home i started googling pictures and it seems like the leopard frogs are more white with black markings and my pleco seems to be the opposite. Is it possible that i got a king tiger pleco?

Can anyone please ID this?

pleco being acclimated:

pleco hanging out with blue eye bristle nose:

Web pic of leopard frog pleco:

Web pic of king tiger:


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Re: Pleco ID!

Post by nycfatcow »

or maybe a mega clown pleco?
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Re: Pleco ID!

Post by Triactis Trainer »

Hard to tell which species exactly but IMO it does look like either an L066 or L333.
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Re: Pleco ID!

Post by nycfatcow »

is it fair to say that this is definitely not a leopard frog pleco? This guy is sitting in my shrimp planted tank, will probably have to return him if hes a king tiger. They seems to be mostly carnivorous and wont mix well with what i have. Also looks like a mega clown?
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Re: Pleco ID!

Post by Borbi »


you got yourself a Hypancistrus debilittera (formerly known as L129).

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Re: Pleco ID!

Post by Jools »

Borbi wrote:you got yourself a (formerly known as L129).
Yup, that's a firm ID.

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Re: Pleco ID!

Post by nycfatcow »

Thanks for the id
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