Catfish tank mates with an oscar

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Catfish tank mates with an oscar

Post by co77 »

150 gal 48x24x30 tank with a lemon oscar any suggestions on catfish that would stay around 1 ft or smaller

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Re: Catfish tank mates with an oscar

Post by Richard B »

Isn't this just a repeat of your other thread slimmed down a little? - Platydoras or acanthadoras
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Re: Catfish tank mates with an oscar

Post by co77 »

Yes but its becoming a debate about cichlid s

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Re: Catfish tank mates with an oscar

Post by naturalart »

To your question, in the previous thread "stocking advice", of a complement to the oncinus or bufonius: that is a tough question, but I might, again, consider an day active doradid or big loricarid, or possibly a larger Synodontis. They all have stiff pectoral and dorsal spines partly designed to prevent becoming a meal.

Considering the size of your tank and the large fish you desire to keep, you definitely have your research work cut out for you. Also consider the amount of waste these bruisers will be putting out. Your filtration system and water change regimen will need to be at a 'higher' level.
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Re: Catfish tank mates with an oscar

Post by Kif »

I would look at something like the medium Pimelodus as well as the others already suggested.
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