Corydoras venesuela black

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Corydoras venesuela black

Post by Welwyncorydoras »

Does anyone on this forum breeds or keep Corydoras venesuela black ??
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Re: Corydoras venesuela black

Post by Coryman »

There are a number of people in the UK breeding the "Black" C. schultzii, but does not actually come from Venezuela. It was first developed in Germany some 10-12 years ago and is currently being bred commercially in the Czech Republic. It is continually erroneously called the "Venezuelan black" which it is not, the species C. venezuelanus does have a naturally dark form, but it is not black.

The C. schultzii "Black" do show up at CSG auctions fairly regularly, the next one takes place in February.

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