At what age do C. duplicareus spawn?

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At what age do C. duplicareus spawn?

Post by Shazray »

I have a tank with panda and duplicareus cories in it. The pandas spawn constantly and produce regular and long-finned fry. I introduced the 9 duplicareus as juvies to their tank a few months ago and have read accounts of them hybridizing with Pandas... ((Seems that Pandas have a reputation for hybridizing with other cories!))

My duplicareus cories are F1 and were hatched in February. I believe they have reached adult size. When might they start spawning? I don't want them hybridizing with the pandas /:)

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Re: At what age do C. duplicareus spawn?

Post by Korsaaven »

About a year.

The F1s I sold to a friend started spawning around the time they were a year and a few months old.
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