![D oh #-O](./images/smilies/40.gif)
I had a pair of BN plecs in here that bred a few times. One time i raised around 70 fry - most brown some albino. sold almost all of them recently.
I have two filters running - an Aquaclear 70 and a Tetra Whisper 20i.
Not really a planted tank. only plants are some red rubin swords.
Current Fish stocking list:
1 Black Angelfish
3 Neon Tetras
1 Cardinal Tetra
2 Albino BN pleco juvies
1 culled BN pleco juvie (a little bent)
6 Queen Arabesque juvies L260
1 Platy
I'm making some room for some Hypancistrus plecos for this tank.
Selling the 6 pygmy cories on AB (they bred recently but i was able to salvage just two eggs which are now two fry in a brine shrimp net). Also recently sold 2 Albino BN juvies. I am keeping 2 albinos (male and female I hope) for myself. I should now just sell my BN breeder pair and then I should be good enough on room for Hypans. I'll post some fish pics later.