Heximita is a good candidate although the symptoms may be due to other causes.
I use a combination of drugs for various internal parasites. Here is what I use for Discus or any of SA Cichlid or Plecos I want to clean up.
I use Tetra color Bits and nearly fill an empty Rx bottle(~2 oz).
To this I add about 1/2 tsp of liquid Hikari PraziPro, ~1/2 tsp 10% flubendazole powder and 1/2 tsp of metroniadazole.
This food absorbs the PraziPro well but I also add only enough water to facilitate thorougly mixing everything evenly.
The food is moist and saturated with meds within an hour and even better by the next day.
I can use this treated food up within 4 days easily and refrigeration doesn't seem to be necessary.
This concoction has served me well over many years.
I also recommend warmer water. 80 to 82*F/about 27*C.
You may find
www.finarama.com forum to be useful.
Here is the link to our diseases and treatment discussions.
I am one of the moderators there. Our focus is on Angelfish and Discus.
Avid Trout fly fisherman. ·´¯`·...¸><)))º>