Mixing L340 and Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

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Mixing L340 and Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

Post by frootbat »

I am redoing an established cichlid tank to house mainly plecos and I'm afraid I may have made a mistake in fish selection.

The tank:
20 gallon Long 30 ¼ in. x 12 ½ in. x 12 ¾ in.(77cm x 31.75cm x 32.3cm)
filtration is an Aquaclear50 HOB filter and an Eheim 2213 cannister
decor is black sand, java fern mounted on wood, large centerpiece of wood, and 3 caves.
current inhabitants: 4 micro raspboras and 2 nerite snails.

I have 8 juvenile plecos on the way, 4 each L340 (currently about 2" or 5cm) and 4 each Ancistrus cf. cirrhosis ''Bristlenose Pleco'' red marble (currently about 1" or 2cm).

My intention was to wait for pairs of each to form and rehome 2 of each species, leaving 4 in the tank. I don't plan on adding any other fish, save maybe a couple more micro raspboras.

I thought I had done my research, but now I'm beginning to think that their diets may not be compatible, and also perhaps that they might interbreed.

I apologize if I come across as someone doing something stupid, but if these fish can be housed together, any tips on feeding would be appreciated. Also, getting a larger tank as they grow is OK, but I tried to pick varieties that wouldn't get terribly big.

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Mixing L340 and Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

Post by vanillarum »

I currently keep L340s and fire red BNs in the same tank with no issues. The BNs are mainly vegetarians, true, but they do like a little variety. My BNs also get NLS Thera +, along with their algae wafers, zucchini and the likes. The 340s are mainly carnivores but will also munch on the zucchini and wafers. I don't see an issue. On a side note, I have been looking to add to my 340 colony. I wonder if you would be willing to pass along where you got yours from ? Thanx and good luck.
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Re: Mixing L340 and Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

Post by frootbat »

Thanks for the reply!

I am getting them from Dave at http://www.davesfish.com/
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Re: Mixing L340 and Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus

Post by vanillarum »

My pleasure. And thank you.
Never give up until you have released your unused capacities for service and shared your gift with others. One enkindled spirit can set hundreds on fire.
William H. Danforth
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