Wanted: Common Bristlenose plecs.

Items sought in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
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Wanted: Common Bristlenose plecs.

Post by kieranvowles »

I'm looking for some common Bristlenose plecs, ideally looking for young ones but all sizes considered and I'm willing to collect in the West Sussex area. Please reply if you can help.

Thank you

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Re: Wanted: Common Bristlenose plecs.

Post by ali12345 »

Hi,might be a bit far for you - East surrey Caterham but I have got some fry that are growing nicely
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Re: Wanted: Common Bristlenose plecs.

Post by kieranvowles »

Hi Alison,

you're not too far, only about 30mins in the car, how many have you got, how hig are they and how wuch are you looking for?

Kind regards

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Re: Wanted: Common Bristlenose plecs.

Post by ali12345 »

I have got about 4 and they are still small - about an inch. Will have trouble catching them so probably be ready in a month when I move some fish from that tank. If you find some others in the mean time just let me know.
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Re: Wanted: Common Bristlenose plecs.

Post by kieranvowles »

Hi Alison,

Thank you for your reply, but I'm no longer looking for bristlenose plecs as my existing trio have had babies, the eggs normally get eaten before they hatch but I have seen about 25 swiming around so I'm going to move them to a fry tank. If you have any advice on keeping the fry I would be very grateful.

Many thanks

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Re: Wanted: Common Bristlenose plecs.

Post by ali12345 »

Hi Kieran,
That's good news. Hope you have success rearing them. I tend to let mine do their own thing and a few survive that way. I used to have an awful lot of them at one point. I think if you move them the main points are keeping them in the same water conditions as your main tank and making sure there are some items in there from the main tank where they can graze on the algae and slime.
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