striped raphael cat

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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striped raphael cat

Post by DKcincy »

I just inherited a 10yr old striped raphael cat along with an aquarium that once belonged to me. I was going to put him in my pleco/tetra tank while I set up the new old aquarium. But Wikipedia said they can eat small fish at night while they're active. Soooo.... to save my juvenile tetras he's going in his original 20g home by himself. He's quite large... 7 inches... my question is: what would make good companions for him? how large would his tank mates have to be, to be safe? would otos be okay? (PlanetCatfish says they're generally good tankmates for any/all fish. But this guy has a big mouth! So I'm cautious.)

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Re: striped raphael cat

Post by Bristlenose 94 »

Otos are quite small as well and have spines so if the raph is gonna eat tetras he'll probably eat otos too. Plus otos could get lodged inside him. I'm not sure what you could put in there with him though... Personally I'd try to find a bigger tank.
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Re: striped raphael cat

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

20 gal is too tight for a 7" fish.

The smaller the tank, the higher the chance of him almost accidentaly eating a small tank mate.

I'd think that in something like 100 gal, 1" tank mates could be safe. Raphs are really slow-paced scavenges. In proper care, they will not chase other fish with an intent to eat them.
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Re: striped raphael cat

Post by Bas Pels »

10 years of age is not old for a Platydoras

I got 3 in 1988 - and one died this month. More precisely, I found his body on the 24th, and he was dead for a few days

This one I had, thus, for 24 years - andthe other 2 are still going strong. How old they were when I got them? I'd assume a year, perhaps 2
cats have whiskers
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