where else for pictures

Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
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where else for pictures

Post by magnum4 »

where else can I post pictures on the web for free, as corydoras world has no more accounts until further notice, can anyone recommend a site?
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Post by Sid Guppy »


always works, doesn't spam your PC, doesn't nag for ca$h (imagestation etc), doesn't turn into a have-to-pay thingie after a month etc (such as picture-island etc)

The only 2 drawbacks are
1: all your pix come out the same size, and if they have an unusual shape, you get ugly white cadres.
But I think that's the way to save bandwith.

2: It doesn't run on Mozilla, Firebird etc. You HAVE to use the ol', crappy InternetExploder from Windooz....

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Post by Graeme »

Last edited by Graeme on 23 Nov 2003, 01:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Graeme »

Or contact me, as i have a Gallery on my Web-site. :thumbsup:

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Post by Ben »

http://www.pbase.com is a very large and popular pic service. I have pics of my frogs up there :)
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Post by xander »

I use webshots. http://community.webshots.com/user/xanderphreak
You can post large files and not have to cut them all down. Its free unless you want more room. They ask you to download their software but thats only if you want to download the pictures from webshots. I never did that and can still use the site to post and display my pics. http://www.webshots.com/homepage.html
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Post by Walter »

25 mb for free, no ads, no spam.
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Post by magnum4 »

Thanks guys. Now i need a hell of a lot more pictures :razz:
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Post by Barbie »

Don't say that magnum, lol, I've been uploading them all morning and only have added 60 to the gallery. I know there are a good 250 more than still need copyrighted and added. EEEK! I think this whole new camera thing wasn't the great idea it sounded like :p

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