Male Bristlenose with eggs Vs Clown Plec

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Darren Balch
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Male Bristlenose with eggs Vs Clown Plec

Post by Darren Balch »

Just before going to bed last night I noticed that one of my male Bristlenoses () was fanning a huge clump of eggs in his cave. This morning before leaving for work i checked all my tanks and saw one of my Clown Plecs () trying to force his way into the cave i assume to eat the eggs. Should i think about moving the Clown plecs? or just leave it to them to sort it out?
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Re: Male Bristlenose with eggs Vs Clown Plec

Post by krazyGeoff »

I would imagine that the bristlenose would be able to defend the cave from a p.maccus.

I guess you will be able to confirm when you get home.

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Re: Male Bristlenose with eggs Vs Clown Plec

Post by wet-handed »

I have a male BN plus three female BN. The male is on eggs all the time unless i remove him for a break. In this tank "75gal" i have around ten maccus three really grown males few really big females an although I have seen them get interested in what the BN are doing i have never had a clutch of eggs disipear
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Re: Male Bristlenose with eggs Vs Clown Plec

Post by saor alba »

Maybe your male clowns are wanting to use a cave for there own purpose,s but a big bristle nose should defend his cave pretty well .
Add more caves around the wood where your clowns mostly hang out and watch what happens then.
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