what / when to feed my Gold Nugget

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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what / when to feed my Gold Nugget

Post by Jennyr »

I've had my gold nugget plec for 3 weeks. He's only moved himself away from his hiding spot under the filter box about 5 times in that time (for very short periods, unless of course he comes out at night when I'm in bed).

So when I feed my other fish (flakes) at 5pm I'm concerned he doesn't get any food. I have dropped a few catfish pellets down by the filter box every third day or so but I really have no idea how much to feed him or when is the best time.

I've found out tonight that I can feed him zuchhini, but how much and how often?

My tank is 5 months old (its a Jewel Trigon 350). There's a pile of larva rock and 2 fairly big bits of driftwood for him to hide under - though as I've said he hides under the filter box at the back of the tank). There are also 3 large plants (nothing else as my gouramis have eaten everything else I've planted. The temp is 26 degrees and the ph is 7.0 and as far as I'm aware this should be a good environment for him. If you think otherwise please say so!

All advice appreciated.


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Post by Jennyr »

Right, feel a bit of a fool now as after I posted I saw the discussion "to cook or not to cook", so have just read through that. (I'd been searching for Gold Nugget info). Anyway, not only was that a mine of information I have just been to peer into my tank to check on the whereabouts of my GN and he was out feeding on the driftwood! Unbelievable timing. Well I think I scared him away as I rushed off to get my camera and when I came back 5 secs later he was back hiding under the filter.

Anyway, I've put in a small piece of cucumber weighed down with a fork and will wait and see if that tempts him out.....

Will I be able to leave it in overnight or should I take it out after a couple of hours?
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Post by magnum4 »

Juwel filters are pretty good, and its not a small tank, so you can leave it in over night, remember to keep the diet varied, bloodworms and wafers are good food to help ballance the diet.
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Post by pete »

We tried Hikari algae wafers and our gold nugget loves them also feed cougette as well.
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