Please ID !!!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Syno Rey
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Please ID !!!

Post by Syno Rey »

I bought this guy at my local fish store when I was looking for a nice Pleco for my guppy tank. It was labeled as just "Peckoltia Pleco". If anyone can help me ID this guy with its right name I would really appreciate it ! ^:)^ :-Q

It's about 3 inches. Yellow and black and grey coloration.



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Re: Please ID !!!

Post by Silurus »

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Re: Please ID !!!

Post by racoll »

looks close to me.

The head shape looks a bit off for P. vittata, and in particular the eye size in proportion to the head, and the width of the bands on the dorsal and pectoral fins. Could be wrong though.
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Re: Please ID !!!

Post by pleco_breeder »

I have to agree with racoll on this one. L288

Impossible only means that somebody hasn't done it correctly yet.
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