'Bort' My new Megalechis personata

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'Bort' My new Megalechis personata

Post by Gaberiel »

Hi guys this is my first post on these forums, I have been reading over them for the past couple of days trying to find out exactly what Kind of fish I have just brought.

After a brows through the cat-log I found that I have a healty young "Megalechis personata"

This guy has alot of character and spends most of his time sifting through the fine gravel/sand at the bottom of my tank. He gets along well with 'Sven' (Male betta) and a few little misc bottom feeders.

Iv been told that these guys will grow up to about 120mm, Right now he is living inside a fairly small tank, But I hope to get something much bigger for him soon, so I can use this tank for Betta breeding.

Do any of you guys have a "Megalechis personata" and do you have any tipps? I feed him some 'Sinking Goldfish Crumbles' and 'bloodworms'

I also hear that these guys build bubble nests, just like my Betta, is this true? and is there anyone here who could give me information on breeding these guys. I much appreciate it.

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Post by plesner »

Nice fish - hadn't seen that particular species before. I don't know of any articles describing how to breed that exact species, but it should be very similar to the description in this article:

Last edited by plesner on 16 Nov 2003, 17:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yann »


Welcome here and enjoy...
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Post by Allan »

Hello and welcome to the forum!

And congratulations with a really cool catfish. M. personata can become really tame and trusting, especially if you have a dence covering of floating plants like i.e. ceratophyllum demersum. They then feel safer and behave more bold.

Looking forward to seeing you posting around.
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Post by Gaberiel »

After only about 2 weeks now he is really at home, Only in a small tank at the moment, but he Loves hiding up in the dence leaves, Ill try to get a picture uploaded somewhere.
Can anyone help me with a place to upload pictures?
He spends alot of the time cleaning up Alge and has fun annoying Sven my Betta.

This guy really is my best addition to my tank setup.

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Post by Gaberiel »

Bad news :[

'Bort' Is no more, :-(

He committed suicide yesterday, i found him shrivled up on the floor near my tank.
He had crawled through a tiny gap where my air hose goes :[
I belive he tryd to escape because of my low water tempreature.

but on a lighter note, I have just got a new tank. Its a 20 Gal, and I got myself a healty young "pictus' To go with it, The pictus is in my old tank at the moment untill the new tank has cycled. Also got a new water heater so I can keep the tank at a good level now.
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Post by Silurus »

I belive he tryd to escape because of my low water tempreature.
I don't think low temperature is the reason for its attempted escape. If anything, the fish would become less active with a lower temperature.
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