Idea to Share

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Mike C
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Idea to Share

Post by Mike C »

I maintain a 40 gal. tank with mostly members of the Doradidae Family. In my last house the tank was set up in such a way that the morning light came directly into the tank. Some of my fish had gotten to be about 6", and they were fighting over the darkest areas in the tank - which were under stacked rocks. They were capable of moving the rocks around, so I decided to get some backing to put on the tank that would block light. I went to my local pet store and the cost per foot of decorative tank backgrounds was expensive.

Instead of buying the backing from the pet store, I purchased a roll of window tint (for cars) and put it on the back and two sides of my tank. It cost me less than 1/3 the price and it has been working well for almost a year. I am in a new house where the sun does shine directly on the tank, but this background still keeps the tank dark, and prevents the fish from getting spooked every time someone walks by.

I hope this tip can be used by other PlanetCatfish members.

Mike C.
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Re: Idea to Share

Post by racoll »

Nice idea. I assume it stays put okay?
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Re: Idea to Share

Post by PlecoCrazy »

I have used it on the front of my tanks on the bottom of the racks to keep the fish from getting spooked as well.
racoll wrote:Nice idea. I assume it stays put okay?
The kind I purchased uses static electricity and stays put just fine.
Mike C
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Re: Idea to Share

Post by Mike C »

To racoll... yes. I used water according to the directions and it stays. It is hard to get "perfect" so I wouldn't want to darken my own car... but it works for a fish tank.

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Re: Idea to Share

Post by wrasse »

Hi Mike,

plz tell us about your dorads, pics if possible. Maybe start a different thread
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Re: Idea to Share

Post by plecomanpat »

I personally paint the three sides deep blue, or black and the bottoms of my "bare bottoms" :ymblushing: black...Rust-oleum works well.
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