just saying hi
- Posts: 17
- Joined: 27 Oct 2003, 06:19
- Location 1: yucca vally ca
- Interests: fish keeping wood working gardning
just saying hi
Hi eveyone im Jim M I just joined the group. Getting back into fish after about 20 something year hiatus. Seem to have found the bug again just again ask my wife .
Jim M
Jim M
- Posts: 558
- Joined: 01 Jan 2003, 01:33
- Location 1: Colorado Springs, USA
- Interests: Fish: catfish, discus, stingrays. Alcohol: Vodka, Gin, Rum, Beer, Cider. Tobacco: cigars, pipe, hookah/shisha. Dogs, Literature, Music
- Contact:
welcome Jim.
Poking a bit of fun? http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?d ... 2-16&res=l
See my fish at http://scott.aaquaria.com
See my fish at http://scott.aaquaria.com
- bottomdwellin
- Posts: 45
- Joined: 25 Oct 2003, 17:10
- Location 1: CT, USA
- Interests: Catfish of course
- Posts: 17
- Joined: 27 Oct 2003, 06:19
- Location 1: yucca vally ca
- Interests: fish keeping wood working gardning
Thanks everyone I defenitly have the fish bug again started simple enough wife was given a 30 gal round acrilic. Than she bought me a 55 gal now were at 5 tanks and im all ready working on two more. Have to get at least a 100 gal for the fish she bought to go in my 55 2 oscars amd a blood parrot the are all ready out growing it.
Thanks again look forward to learning alot
and maybe hopefully being able to pass on some knowledge.
Thanks again look forward to learning alot
and maybe hopefully being able to pass on some knowledge.
- Yann
- Posts: 3617
- Joined: 30 Dec 2002, 20:56
- I've donated: $20.00!
- My articles: 8
- My images: 275
- My cats species list: 81 (i:0, k:0)
- My BLogs: 2 (i:3, p:81)
- Spotted: 109
- Location 1: Switzerland
- Location 2: Switzerland
- Interests: Catfish mainly form South America, Cichlids, Geckos, Horses WWII airplanes, Orchids
- Coryman
- Expert
- Posts: 2119
- Joined: 30 Dec 2002, 19:06
- My articles: 12
- My catfish: 5
- My cats species list: 83 (i:3, k:0)
- My BLogs: 1 (i:0, p:46)
- Spotted: 194
- Location 1: Kidderminster UK
- Location 2: Kidderminster, UK
- Interests: Cory's, Loricariids, photography and more Cory's
- Contact: