Need Info on L-204

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Need Info on L-204

Post by Herman63 »

I just got 4 L-204's and was wanting any info you can give me.

Thank you for your time, Herman63
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Post by Silurus »

Tried the Cat-elog?
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Post by Herman63 »

Thanks Silurus,

I meant other than on Catfishplanet or personal experiences
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Post by BK »

in my expiriences with 3 L204 i have found them to be some what territorial(head butts to the others if they enter their territory) among them selves and my lda 31, and they eat a TON of driftwood (the softer kinds, they don't touch mopanee/welaby wood). i have tried many foods with them but they seem really picky. they regected blood worms, zuchini, cucumber, sweet potatoe, collard greens, romaine lettuce, spinache, most commercial foods and many others i have tried. I have gotten them to eat the new algae wafers by marine land, the only algae wafer they will readily eat, and shrimp pellets. they don't eat any tank algae except that on the driftwood. they don't ever use the clay caves i made for them, they much prefer hiding in the driftwood. beautiful fish. good luck.

how big are your 4?
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Post by mokmu »

My L204 accepts most of my fish flakes. Most definitely driftwood should be around. I have noticed that the beautiful stripes that this fish has been known for become faded and segmented as the grow larger. Still this is a very attractive fish specially when the tail extensions grow. One of my choice plecs. Others are L114 leopardus, L260 QA, L046 zebra, Titanic and Scarlet.
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Post by Barbie »

I definitely enjoyed having the L204s. Mine were kept in a tank with some Synodontis petricola I was raising out, and for some reason, they preferred to rest in the open. I have read that isn't the norm for them, but I had 4, and they all did it to some extent. I had 2 large pieces of driftwood for them to hang on and gnaw at, and mine were voracious. The tank was fed live blackworms 4 times a week, and they would literally hop into the bowl and stand off all comers at feeding time. It was hilarious! They were also fed all they could eat of cucumbers, green beans, and hikari algae wafers. I don't remember trying a single food that they wouldn't eat, to be honest. They squabbled a bit when one would try to "perch" too close to another on the driftwood, and the biggest one definitely ate first, but at 3-5 inches TL, they never marked each other, or really looked serious about the disagreements. They also had clay spawning caves available that they didn't use.

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Post by Herman63 »

Thank you all for your info...

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L204 info

Post by Loricarilocks »

Hi Hermann,
Panaqolus sp. L204 is a very attractive fish of Peru. This fish is relatively easy to keep and is more beautiful juvenil than adult, more when grow long extensions of his tail. This fish is really beautiful and flash until 10 - 12 cm (4 - 4,5 inches), after it will loose the intensity of his colouration and principaly the white.:cry: More, white stripes will reduce.
Adult, this fish is 6 inches long.
I tried breeding with success this specie, that's why I say that it's more beautiful juvenil.
Moreover, I confirm that Bk said. L204 is extremely territorial and will "fight" all others fishes (and not only Loricariids) who come into his territory. When it's juvenil too !!!
Feeding this fish isn't difficult because it accepts various type of food : spinach, potatos, pellets for Loricariids, bloomworms, frozen home food with spirulina,... More, this specie is the bigger algae's eater I have ever seen. He eats all type of algaes, blue algaes and pincel brown algae too !!! If you have problem with blue algaes in one of yours tanks, put it on, it will eat all and clean the tank in few days.
This fish is a big eater (of wood too) and need a big filtration because it will create a big pollution.
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Post by Herman63 »

Thanks Loricarilocks,

I was also wondering if these is an easy way to tell the difference in the sexs?(M-F)

Also could you tell me a little about how you spawned them any special conditions?

Thank you for your time, Herman63
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Post by Yann »

OI Quentin!

Tudo bem meu Brasileiro falsificado... RSRSR...
Quoi de neuf la-bas???
Any chance to write down something like an article for PC, that would be nice of you and if you have pictures as well ( not only L204 ;) ) it would be great... Eu sei que voce posse ver muitos typo do peixes ai... que bom que voce consegui ser aqui em PC tb...
O Suiço Brasileiro (falsificado tb ;) )
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Post by Herman63 »

Well got 6 of the L-204's and they are nice.

They are algae eating machines put them in a 55 with long haired algae and they cleaned it up fast.

Thanks again for all the info people, Herman63
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Post by Charly EON »

Ola Quentin

Bemvindo no PC forum !

Voce esta doido para acaris e bodos tambem ?

Um abraço

O outro brasileiro fasificado :wink: :D
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Post by Loricarilocks »

First, I will answer to Herman before the two others Brasileiros de coraçao :wink: :wink:
Sex determination of L204 is difficult and hardly visible but extentions of the tail and whiskers are generaly shorter for females. More, males are very more agressives than females.
To more informations about how I spawned them, I will tell little more later because now, I 've not a lot of time to write. But, the system was a little difficil and expensive for an hobbyist (it was in a scientific research center) with permanent water renovation !!!

Para os dois peixes doidos Yann & Charly (peixes doidos ou doidos de peixes, quem sabe !!!!!!!!), eu vou responder em frances porque eu preciso fallar e escriver frances pra nao esquecer, pior que e !!!

Entao, eh oui, je me suis enfin inscrit. Ã?a faisait longtemps que je visitais le site mais je n'avais pas reelement d'ordi a disposition. En plus, avec le boulot, il y a moyen, a plus ou moins court ou moyen terme, de se mettre serieusement a la repro de ventouses.
Autrement, ici, au soleil 8) 8) , tout va bien malgre quelques problemes avec le patron concernant le boulot, notamment sur la rapidite de croissance qui ce fait a sa guise et non comme je le souhaiterais. Le probleme est qu'il tarde a agrandir et il va pressionner et s'etonner qu'il n'y ai toujours pas de benefs. Il ne voulait pas investir beaucoup au depart et comment veux tu produire une grande quantite de jeunes quand tu n'as qu'un seul couple !!! A part ça, j'ai cree pratiquement de A a Z une salle de repro ou j'ai actuellement une quarantaine d'aquariums en fonctionnement et a repro regulieres. De plus, je suis en train de finir une autre partie qui va abriter plus de 60 aquariums (et c'est pourquoi le patron ne m'a pas laisser pecher avec toi Charly, c'est fort dommage mais il y aura d'autres occasions, com certeza :wink: ).
Concernant les acaris, c'est vrai qu'ici je vois une grande quantite de Lori, ce sont d'ailleurs les poissons principaux de l'entreprise avec les raies, Piranhas et Cichlides peu communs.
Ici, les importations en Lori proviennent principallement du Xingu, Tapajos, Tocantins & Araguaia, Sao Francisco et rio Branco (L114). Les tailles des importations vont du bebe L46 jusqu'aux L64 & Acanthicus de plus de 80 cm (500 dollars pour un L64 XXL !!!), en passant par les Panaques (L27) de 40cm et 15cm de hauteur de corps.
Ah oui, une autre chose que je voulais signaler a propos de l'acari george (L56 jaune). J'avais lu que la forme jaune etait excessivement rare. Eh bien, ou les pecheurs ont trouve un fillon ou il n'est pas si rare que cela car il en arrive pratiquement une vingtaine toutes les 2 semaines.
Bon, a+ sur les mails pour plus de details sur mes aventures.
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PS: J'ai appris par Antoine le deces de Jean Claude et cela m'a profondement touche. j'ai eu l'occasion de discuter plusieurs fois avec lui, trop peu de fois a mon gout, et c'est clair que le monde de l'aquariophilie avec perdu un acteur de premier plan. Salut a toi amigao !!! Vai com Deus, comme il se dit ici.
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Post by Herman63 »

What is this: "permanent water renovation"?????

Thanks Herman63
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Post by Yann »

It is a system that make authomatic water change. Water arrive in the tank at a given rate, 24h/24h at the same time a sytem allow the water level to stay at the same level without raising up to the point where it overflows. It is really useful when you have a lot of tank or when the tanks are really huge...
It sort of allow you to do less cleaning and enjoy your fish a bit more!
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Would you mind translating your spawning information?

Post by Sinatra »

Hi Loricarilocks

I am really interested in how you spawned these fish. Would it be possible to write it in English?

If not, would you mind putting it through a translation program, and just give it a quick look to see if it makes sense? (I tried french but I was unable to make sense of it).

Thanks for sharing your knowledge :D
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Post by fishthoughts »

I tried french too -- didnt work too well. Hey, I reLly REALLY need to know how to start breedin these lil guys... I have 2M 3F that are about 3.5" in size with really really nice long fin extensions, so they are probably just about ready to go.... Id really like to successfully spawn them!
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I've set up a breeding tank could improvements be made?

Post by fish_mad_guy »

Its 200 litre tank with a external 1000 litre per hour canister filter. I've got both soft and hard woods in with the fish . They have a peat base on the tank with sand and small stones to a depth of 2 cm above the peat. The pH is stable at 8 and nitrates low to non existant. That am I doing wrong?
Oh to be a fish.....arhhhh What I've got is a Pair of Flash pleco L204, Bred 200+ corydoras sterbai and albino ones, Bristlenoses and of course platys and guppies for albino and other specific traits. 9 tanks ... but I'm building more...
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Post by apistomaster »

Did the L204 use a cave when they spawned? I have 8 of these very messy plecos and I have never seen them use a cave. They do like hanging amongst and inside the driftwoods. I have found mine really thrive on earthworm pellets.
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