New nav menu

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New nav menu

Post by Jools »

Playing around with it at - comments?

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Post by MackIntheBox »

looks good and seems to load faster (work PC is crap 300MHz pooter), only problem is the Cat-eLog leads to the shop on that menu, hehe.
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Post by Jools »

yashmack wrote:looks good and seems to load faster (work PC is crap 300MHz pooter), only problem is the Cat-eLog leads to the shop on that menu, hehe.
It loads a heck of a lot faster as it doesn't need java to run itself. This is the prime reason for change. Downside is it may not work on some older browsers. I've still got to put all the options on and make it prettier.

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Post by IndefactorX »

looks good so far, tho it does seem a bit bland.. no offense, but maybe it will look better once it's incorperated
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Post by plesner »

Like it a lot, but then again I do prefer speed as far as web pages are concerned.
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Post by Jools »

IndefactorX wrote:looks good so far, tho it does seem a bit bland.. no offense, but maybe it will look better once it's incorperated
Yeah, there are a LOT of configuration options...

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Post by Jools »

Got some (NOT final) colours going on now...

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Post by MackIntheBox »

looks good, me personally, I would have it away from the edge of the browser more, or perhaps even in the center rather than all the way to the left. It just doesnt seem to have the right Symetrie, just my 2 cents. I do like the way it looks, much speedier as well :) Is it being programmed with Style sheets or something else?

you can see my own webpage in my signature. the catfish page is very simple but the EQ Guild page (remove the catfish from the link) has alot more work in it :)
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Post by Graeme »

I like it. It looks like you going to use two lines of topic's to click on? Upper and lower topics. Nice! :D

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Post by Ben »

Jools, if you are going for more of a mousover effect, rather than click to drop menues, my biggest suggestion would be to go with DHTML rather that using a java applet. Applets are nice in that they don't take a lot of code to ref. to, but they are much slower to load.

Have a look into Hiarchial Menues using DHTML. I played around with this stuf for a while. Makes your head feel full of wool when you first get onto it, but becomes much easier the more you tweak :)

Some Helpful Links:

Otherwise, I really like the direction you are taking it. Will making flipping through the site smoother.
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Post by magnum4 »

Good more speed, speed is what we need, we need speed.
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Post by Kostas »

Great!Like it a lot.
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Post by Jools »

Ben wrote:Jools, if you are going for more of a mousover effect, rather than click to drop menues, my biggest suggestion would be to go with DHTML rather that using a java applet. Applets are nice in that they don't take a lot of code to ref. to, but they are much slower to load.
As you may have noticed it IS a DHTML script and very similar to the ones you show. The speed seems popular and I think it's the way I will go.

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Post by Dinyar »

Go for it, Jools. I think it's the right direction. The details can always be tweaked as we go along.

I actually avoided the PC Java bar by bookmarking barless pages and navigating with my own PC favorites menu.

You can't carry everyone with you, and people with antique browsers are going to be experiencing problems on more than just your site.

I'd suggest making the boxes evenly sized if possible.

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Post by MackIntheBox »

I definitely like it.

Ive done the same as Dinyar and only visit certain pages through links I have to avoid the current Java bar. Only here at wor, at home my PC can handle it with no problem. With the new menu I will be able to easily navigate the site at work :) cant wait to see it completed.
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Post by Jools »

OK, some trouble with frames - see

I can't seem to get the frames code working, and even if I do it means I need to put a new bit of code ON EVERY PAGE!!! (There are nearly 5000). Not looking good but still working on it - all suggestions welcome.

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Post by Jools »

After MUCH kafuffle, we have the thing working - . To use it with frames I will have to change EVERY page on the site. Gonna test it with the cat-log next which uses 3 frames.

You guys will really have to like this for me to put it in...

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Post by Rusty »

Why not ditch the frames entirely and get the same float effect via CSS?

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Post by Jools »

Rusty wrote:Why not ditch the frames entirely and get the same float effect via CSS?

I would like to do that but bear in mind the cat-elog has further frames we need to consider...

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Post by Yann »


Yeap really like the new version, a lots faster which should please the majority especially the people who don't get the ADSL or have a rather slow computer. These people don't want to be stuck into dowloading for ages....
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Post by Jools »

Having real trouble using this menu above the cat-elog as this part of the site uses two frames under the nav fame.

Working on it, but any ideas or advice would be gratefully received.

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Post by Jools »

Rusty wrote:Why not ditch the frames entirely and get the same float effect via CSS?

I have now added the menu to a few sample cat-elog pages and the news is bad. The much liked new menu will not work with the frames we use on the cat-elog without a fornight or so worth of work by me on site structure. That is not best use of my time I do not think - especially at this stage.


Do you have an example of the CSS float effect you mention?

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Post by Rusty »

Here is one . I'll look for more.

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Post by Jools »

Rusty wrote:Here is one . I'll look for more.

Ah, nice but it scrolls off the page as you read down. I think we want something that stays at the top even if you do scroll down?

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Post by Rusty »

Hrmph, it "floats" in any browser that supports it I guess. Scratch that idea. Looks very slick in Mozilla/Firebird/Safari etc. but not in IE.

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Post by clothahump »

Try this generator, once you have it you can play with the variables.
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Post by Jools »

clothahump wrote:Try this generator, once you have it you can play with the variables.
Also nice, but this appears to be a vertical menu I don't think it does menu sub options - which we need lots of! Will have a look around the site 'cos some of the stuff is pretty snazzy.

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Post by magnum4 »

Is this site any good, results of a search:

If you want help from the less computer literate (me) then explain what you are looking for in English.
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Post by clothahump »

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Post by Jools »

Still doesn't work, it won't render over two frames. :-(

I think the floating menu is the way forward, but I haven't found a horizontal cross platform implementation of it.

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