Synodontis petricola-difference between tank bred and wild?

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Synodontis petricola-difference between tank bred and wild?

Post by igol66 »

Hi, I'm interested in ordering the synodontis petricola from trimar, but I've seen they have two petricolas listed. One says its tank bred +small and only costs £8.99 and the other one says its wild +large and costs £42!

Does size make such a whooping difference??? Or is it because the tank bred are different in some way??
im confused. At my lfs they are £29 :(

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Re: Synodontis petricola-difference between tank bred and wi

Post by MatsP »

Technically, they are not different - assuming the listing is correct (that is, they are not hybrids or a different species - quite a lot of fish called are )

Well, there are two different aspects of this:
1. Size - LARGE should mean a fair bit bigger than small - and these fish don't grow very quickly.
2. Wild-caught is (assuming it's correct) a guarantee that it's not a hybrid, at the very least, and for breeding purposes, they are not closely related [most likely].

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Re: Synodontis petricola-difference between tank bred and wi

Post by Richard B »

Most fish labelled as tank bred petricola will actually be

If it is labelled wild, it is quite likely to be a true petricola.

Size doesn't make too much difference but wild caught does and petricola are a hell of a lot more expensive than lucipnnis.

I have seen lucipinnis from £5 (sm)- £30 (lg), with petricola £15 (Sm)-£80(lg) in the last year in the UK
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Re: Synodontis petricola-difference between tank bred and wi

Post by igol66 »

Has anyone else ordered these fish from Trimar?? They have hybrids listed down as proper hybrids so they arent cheating on them. Im scared whether I should order the tank bred ones. I might just wait for my lfs to get some.
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Re: Synodontis petricola-difference between tank bred and wi

Post by igol66 »

I just looked at the gallery and on one of the pics it says syno. petricola english bred, and Im 90% sure they are the true ones. here is the link
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