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Post by crkinney »

I kep reading about bogwood .What is bogwood ?There arn't any bogs in florida. maybe some drift wood
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Re: Bogwood

Post by MatsP »

Yes, bogwood is the term used for (usually) malaysian wood that has been sitting in a bog/swamp for a long time. But lots of different types of wood works in fish-tanks, as long as it's generally safe for the fish - see recent discussion in "Loricariidae" section.

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Re: Bogwood

Post by Richard B »

It is a term used for certain types of wood retailed at LFS & suitable for tanks as it is very dense - it has been extracted from a bog somewhere. It tends to be more of a "lump" than a branched piece of wood like redmoor or sumatran driftwood.

In essence it is in everyday use a term that is oftenapplied to most woods used in tanks.
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Re: Bogwood

Post by Richard B » ... %20121.jpg this looks like what we in the UK call bogwood ... G_9097.jpg this is what i'd call mopani wood ... 038996.jpg this is more like sumatran or redmoor wood
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Re: Bogwood

Post by crkinney »

Thanks for the lesson and the pictures.One more question, would cypress from a dry creek bed be usable ,That I can get loads of.
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Re: Bogwood

Post by MatsP »

I wouldn't use cypress or any coniferous wood - I think the resin will cause problems, but others have apparently tried that and is happy with the results. If it's quite old and thoroughly cleaned out of resin from being in a river for a long time, then I expect it's fine.

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Re: Bogwood

Post by apistomaster »

crkinney wrote:Thanks for the lesson and the pictures.One more question, would cypress from a dry creek bed be usable ,That I can get loads of.
Try to find pieces which are buried in sand/gravel bank which are already at least partially water logged.
These tend to be well weathered and it will also make them easier to hold down.
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Re: Bogwood

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

CRKinney, I believe this is the related thread mentioned by Mats. ... =4&t=31382
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Re: Bogwood

Post by crkinney »

Thanks folks .Now that I am well versed on bog wood Lets see if what I found in that dryed up swamp is what the fish want to eat.
It is so dry down here I have to walk slow the keep from starting a fire. :d
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Re: Bogwood

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

crkinney wrote:Lets see if what I found in that dryed up swamp is what the fish want to eat.
? was your question directed toward edible wood? You probably mean the kind plecos eat little-by-little over a long time, right? I did not know you were into plecos.
crkinney wrote:It is so dry down here I have to walk slow the keep from starting a fire.
:d :d well, maybe you would consider hanging up your cowboy boots with metal spurs and wearing neoprene snickers? or are there too many rattlers? :d :d
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Re: Bogwood

Post by Syno Rey »

I love Mopani wood...I have some in my pleco tank.
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Re: Bogwood

Post by crkinney »

I have added A couple of emeral crrys and acouple of albino bristtle nose to my tank and thought they might like something to chew on.
No pointy toed boots for me I wear soft leather moccasin .If I havent gotten bit by now I guess I'm good to go
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