L200 sexing

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L200 sexing

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Please help me with these L200s.
They have been on the forum a year ago... but I would like to have a second look on them again before trying to breed them.

Fish 1)
Fish 2)
Fish 3)
Fish 4)
Fish 5)

I hope that I have some females... Im quite sure that two of them are males...

All of them are 12 cm SL or a bit more
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Re: L200 sexing

Post by MatsP »

Fish 4 is for sure a male.
Fish 2 is the most likely to be female.

To me, the remaining fish are male. But they aren't the easiest to sex.

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Re: L200 sexing

Post by Simon86 »


For me a very difficult pleco to sex.
I have 6 of them myself and they will change the tank soon. Then I will make some pics and get here with the same question :D

I agree with Mats. Fish 2 could be a female and the rest is male I think.

Greets Simon
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Re: L200 sexing

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »


I had a suggestion that fish 3 is a likley female.
Perhaps I will bring fish 2, 3 and 4 to another aquarium and see what happens...

Would be nice to have a few more female to shoose from...

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Re: L200 sexing

Post by jbmm »

hi there cristoffer,
nice fish!

you have seen
Haavard's pictures on this forum already?

else you could search for more on the forum search (L200 male female)

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Re: L200 sexing

Post by Yann »


possibly fish 2 and 3 females...the rest are males for sure!!
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Re: L200 sexing

Post by MatsP »

Of the fish besides 2 & 4 that I'm pretty certain about, Fish 3 is the MOST likely to be a female (or least certain male), I agree. The head shape is somewhere between what I'd say is typically female and typically male. So why not give it a shot with 2, 3 & 4 in a tank.

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