
Items for sale in continental Europe.
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Post by kruseman »

I have some pieces of bogwood for sale.
I collected it in the bogs of Nortwestern Germany and the roots are good for the use in aquariums.

(the bare foot is for the proper perspective...)

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Re: Bogwood

Post by KittyKat »

Can you post/deliver to Berlin? Do you know what type of tree these are from? What sort of prices are you usually asking for?
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Re: Bogwood

Post by kruseman »

I am sorry Kittykat.
I gave away (traded for some port) the remaining 2 big pieces about 3 weeks ago. I only have smaller pieces left, but you will surely be able to find "moorkienholz" in the LFS in Germany.

I completely forgot about this topic. My bad :oops:

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